Most people who do PPL skip the 2nd leg workout so they end up doing PPLPP and take the weekend off

Most people who do PPL skip the 2nd leg workout so they end up doing PPLPP and take the weekend off

Why dont most do the 2nd leg day?

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Because doing legs sucks ass.

I get it, but if youre not gona do the full routine (PPLPPL and sunday off) then why not just do a typical bro-split?

Or even why not just do


So instead of 4 upper days and 1 lower day you have 3 upper days and 2 lower days

I can only speak for myself, but I do this because I simply enjoy the push-pull split. And I only do 1 leg day per week because I hate it. Also, I take the weekend off because I enjoy h in the weekend off.

I just do PPPP

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Its just interesting how almost everyone on PPL ends up coming to this conclusion of not wanting to do the 2nd leg day because they want the weekend off + they feel hate training legs 2 times a week.

baffling that people are so retarded they can’t just keep the rotation going and not worry about making specific days of the week specific routines.

I would rather have endurance in my legs than strength. I would rather have strength in my upper body than endurance.

I get what youre saying and ive tried to do that, but the problem is my body feels "off" doing that, compared to when I have a weekly routine setup

My body just becomes accustomised to doing Push day on X day, and Pull day on X day, and Leg day on X day in the week, if I start doing a thing like you say where I just keep rolling the routine over if i dont go on the weekend, or skip a day, and then continue on the routine the next time im at the gym, it feels off, and my body definitely feels off, it takes away the consistency of the frequency at which my body is adapted to being in and stimulating/growing from.

What you're saying is actually logical and makes sense from a common sense perspective, but it fucks up the "flow" of my training.... if that makes any sense

Yeah I’m not really sure why. I just have always hated doing legs and I’m okay with slower progress on my lower body. I can certainly understand many people coming to this conclusion because they want the weekend off.

The most jacked/aesthetic/shredded guy at my gym said he doesn't do the 2nd leg day because he plays sports on Saturday, I guess thats a legitimate excuse though...

That’s a pretty great excuse. I golf on the weekends in the summer, which is not such a great excuse lmao.

I ditched the second leg day to be able to get two running sessions into my weekly schedule. So JPPJPPL, with j indicating the jogging

Six days a week is a lot.

because you're still hitting the upper body twice a week as opposed to once

i cant do 2nd led day cause doms from 1st leg day are horrendous, it takes me a full week to recover from leg day, first 4 days are painful doms and next three legs are just sore

Then you're overdoing it by not sleeping enough, eating enough etc. Split the volume into two days. Frequency is important (esp. training every muscle 2× a week).

I do PL PL

Because fatigue to effort becomes not worth it. You’re giving up recovery (i.e. progress) in upper body to get in more volume for lower body that you might not recover from optimally anyway so it’s not a case of 2x a week legs equals 2x the legs gains, maybe more like 1.3-1.5x the leg gains. So, it’s not always worth it. Add in cardio and most PPLPPLx is too much volume to be sustainable for months on end. Something minimal like two-three of each exercise type per day could be different.

Now many people have explained it, you get it. The reason you’re bothered by it though is because you have assburgers

My gym only opens from 8am-12am on Saturdays but I actually have school all Saturday's morning