Rating people on a 1-10 scale is a symptom of hypergamy and therefore feminine. Men should use the Would/Wouldn’t scale

Rating people on a 1-10 scale is a symptom of hypergamy and therefore feminine. Men should use the Would/Wouldn’t scale.

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Also known as the Smash or Pass scale

i agree, bro

Hadn't thought about that before. Good point OP. I'll stick to smash or pass from now on

I agree. It explains why incels are so obsessed with rating themselves and others, the incel mentality is inherently feminine.

Good idea actually

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Its basically just indecisiveness which is also correlated with low T

Idk man hypergamy has been working out pretty fine with me :/

factual. anons come on here boasting about a 8 or 9 /10 qt they bagged and post her just for her to be underwhelmingly average. a simple smash or pass keeps things honest and believable.

Ya when people say they landed a 10 they usually really mean “the hottest girl in biology class” who is like a 6/7 in the real world. The point is it doesn’t matter. All that really matters is “is she fuckable or not”

i'm not even particularly attracted to the "9/10" crowd of barbie-doll looking insta-thots. would/wouldn't scale would be better overall for expanding the concept of what we find "attractive" ranking a 9/10 supermodel as "the best" is downright retarded


Mens taste in women are much more individual compared with women who all basically want the same thing

Exactly. 1-10 scale is a social construct (gay) and a highly relative one at that. All that should matter is “does she make my pee pee hard”

Sounds like you are attracted to 9/10s but are a healthy male and have interest in vapid whores caked in in makeup

don't get me wrong, women in that category are definitely attractive

In Ireland people literally already do this

Nice. I’d like to one day visit the Homeland.

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that's what I've been telling you
she either gives you a hard on or she don't
irregardless, if she don't you may be a finook

My college buddy and I called it the binary system.

Yeah I agree with this. Perfect people are kind of boring. It's better if they have a slightly unique look