Is there a way to detox PUFA...

is there a way to detox PUFA? i've been avoiding PUFA for 3 months and just ate something at my parent's house that i suspect is cooked with sneed oil

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Have sex with me

It’s all over

Leave me alone stacy

doesn't matter. it's not some instant poisoning, fatty acids accumulate in your body over time as part of its structure.

>anime poster
what a shock

Take Omega-3 to balance it out with the Omega -6 from the seed oil. Inflammation occurs when there's a huge mismatch... That nitpicking though, in reality you need to go fuck yourself for being such a weak an incompetent loser that needs to seek attention about this shit thread. You really need to consider ending your life, not even kidding

total body fascist eugenetic detox carrot salad, to be eaten away from meals and after said suspect meal, for no more than a couple of days
this will kill and scrape away everything you don't want in your guts, ray peat used it to counter steroid side effects.
>grated carrot, not too finely, don't overchew
mechanical scraping/absorbing sneed oils and other shit
>coconut oil ad lib
preventing damage, makes the salad pass through easier, antimicrobial properties, good fats
>organic apple cider vinegar
>minced raw garlic
optional, not everyone can do garlic because it's a literal nuke for everything it touches, people think it's good for you because it raises v02 max but that's a literal immune response

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it's over

A short term 0 fat diet will deplete it rapidly if you actually want to get rid of the built-up stores PUFA. Yes, it does accumulate in the body this is directly observed in human studies or even in the animals you eat. For example, pigs kept in colder environments have more PUFA than ones kept in a heated barn.

some careful fasting and what says
just avoid it and have a good diet in contrast

just eat a tub of lard to balance it out it will be daijobu

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>just eat something that has a bunch of PUFA

Take NAC and Glycine. Each once a day, but not while recovering from a workout unless you want your gains to be cut in half. As an added bonus it'll make you live 20% longer.

pufa on deez nuts lmfao

Vitamin E

I wouldn't worry about it. If you're paranoid though, you can fast after the meal and burn it off so it doesn't get stored.

It's probably not a good idea to take NAC chronically. Glycine is fine though.

In these kinds of situations the best you can do is follow it with some coconut oil and maybe find something antioxidant like vitamin e.

In that case you need to go home right now and consume the raw beef fat I left for you in your fridge. The high vitamin E will stop the pufa from nuking your spermies.

What anime is that from, I see it posted a lot.
