I do dumbbell bench press instead if barbell bench press because i do not like relying on spotters or safety bars

i do dumbbell bench press instead if barbell bench press because i do not like relying on spotters or safety bars

is there anything i'm missing out on by doing this if my main goal is hypertrophy? i don't think so but i'd like to hear what you guys think

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yes, you're missing out on being able to lift more weights, stimulating better hypertrophy and strength gains

i don't believe you, please explain the difference between DB & BB bench in terms of intensity potential

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I did this for about a year and a half. I can dumbbell bench press 100s in each hand but recently I started actually barbell bench pressing and I can't bench 200. I'm only benching like 170-180 for reps. I don't know what muscles are weaker but something is definitely different for me.

I change it up to answer the OP, usually when no one else is around to spot ill hit the free weight bench. I do 120's in each hand and can do more but they only go up to 120 where i work out right now.

I think the free weights train better functional weights. Alot of the barbell guys seem to have low flexibility and need help getting higher weight into position.

tldr: both are good but dumbbell is superior to overall fitness compared to barbell which isolates one group and leads to be imbalanced if not careful.

I think you get better stability from dumbbell bench but you get more power from barbell bench

Is there a difference? You're moving a weight up and down

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You seem like you missed on a few brain cells at birth

No you're not. The bar is only useful if you're a fatfuck powerlifter

You might not be going as deep on DB bench as you think, whereas with a barbell there's no way to cope if you touch bar to chest.

>no need for spotter
>engages your chest way more
>greater depth and rom
I fucking love db bench press

you’re missing out on nothing

people tend to forget, but the barbell chest press was invented by the already massive, extremely strong, George Hackenschmidt as a way of maximizing the amount of weight he can load onto his chest to push his limits. Its is neither the safest, nor the most efficient movement for most people. Oh and on top of that, he did it on the floor not on a bench.

Unless you are a powerlifter, there is absolutely no reason to do barbell benchpress over DB press, weighted pushups, or dips.

Unless you are benching like 4 plates, do you even need a spotter?
I failed a bench lift only once and just rolled the bar to my hips and sat up


Some people can't roll it off them and die of asphyxiation.

It is always good if you are worried to NOT USE CLIPS so you can shed the weight and not die.

whats your dumbbell bp anons? I can 5x5 55lbs and 5x8 50lbs

>>no need for spott-ACK!!

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I can do 4x10 120lbs, they offer no other weight. I found some 150's once and did a 5x5.

I am 6 2 235 tho so its all light weight baby

I fear for my life every time I do db pullovers with my spinlock dumbbells.

3×8 for 85lbs and eventually I'll be doing 100lbs for reps.

if an equally catastrophic failure occured on barbell bench, he would be dead
this is the worst case scenario, and he only ended up with some dings & bruises
DB bench is still much safer

>db lifting ends in disaster
>100lbs of weight to the face and a sore nose

he literally died there user

he dropped half his weight stack on his fucking face lol undoubtedly broke his nose, possibly cheekbone, eye socket or teeth too

depends on how it landed. he could be fine. it slid off his face. ultimately hes still alive