Alright guys, be honest with me. is the trap bar deadlift actually safer than straight bar deadlifts...

alright guys, be honest with me. is the trap bar deadlift actually safer than straight bar deadlifts, in that they are harder to fuck up and ruin your back with?

>inb4 they are not the same exercise and hit the quads a little more than deadlifts
yes i know but i don't care about that, i need an exercise for my entire posterior chain that i can go heavy on safely
>inb4 regular deadlifts are perfectly safe if you keep correct form
i'm worried about destroying my back if my form is even a little bit off, and i want to minimize the risk of injury if i'm being a retard in the gym

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I hurt my back with one of these in highschool and because of that I don't do deadlifts or squats. Fucked my shit up literally for years

dang, sorry to hear that. how did you fix your back?

It's just as easy to herniate a disc with from bad form with trapbar deads as it is with a straight bar. Yes you will have less back angle but you'll be using more weight which if you don't have a neutral spine and don't know how to brace can be dangerous.

I imagine it's harder to have the bar out of alignment with your back with the hexbar. With it further back than a bar can allow, you're more likely to pull with your glutes than going back first. I say as a rando on the internet. I don't remember, but I feel like you sacrifice something for the easier movement, but nothing obvious comes to mind. It's not retardproof, but it's retard retardant

Take up knitting.

>stand in the center of the weight
>stand straight up without having to go around knees
>weight is more balanced, not pulling you forward
>grip is neutral off to the side, good wrist and shoulder position
Hex bar is superior in every way. Anyone who disagrees is just a purist boomer who also works 1 muscle group a day, once a week.

Overcome your fear

Why is that with every other muscle group, people want to make it stronger, but then avoid exercises that activate their lower back like the plague and try to find alternatives to keep it weak and undertrained?

you forgot
>glorified leg press

Girls don't give a fuck about your lower back bro

Ah, you don't know how to deadlift. Say no more.

>turn 30

>picks up a weight off the ground using your whole body

>caring about what women think
women don’t care about most aspects of both your body and personality. Doesn’t mean you should walk around being dogshit

Its not a hip hinge.

>t.the boomer faggot I was talking about

>needs a special snowflake bar to pick up the weight

the general consensus is that its safer, because it keeps your natural centre of gravity, whereas a deadlift moves it slightly forward. there is also virtually no training required to master the movement which makes it inherently safer, kinda hard to fuckup standingup.

>lifting with safer technique makes you a pussy, real men blow out their disks and get 4 hernias just to say I picked up 600 pounds using a straight piece of metal

>i'm worried about destroying my back if my form is even a little bit off, and i want to minimize the risk of injury if i'm being a retard in the gym

then don't go fucking hard at it. do what you feel is comfortable. its not like you'll lose out on a gold medal cause you don't do deadlifts.

>real men blow out their disks and get 4 hernias
Just brace lmao

Your description criticizing the deadlift exposed you. You aren't deadlifting properly if the bar is pulling you forward and you have to deadlift "around your knees." Unironically humble yourself.