Why do people take pre-workout? Do you really need to stuff your body full of caffeine to be able to go to the gym...

Why do people take pre-workout? Do you really need to stuff your body full of caffeine to be able to go to the gym? That sounds real pathetic to be honest family

Or am I missing the point?

Attached: preworkout.jpg (600x600, 46.99K)

retarded zoomer niggers who dont research stuff think itll let them lift more
like the preworkout in your image, probably the most popular one, everything besides the caffeine in it is horribly unerdosed

If used properly, like once per week or less, it allows you to do more sets. I use it sparingly, and only when I do morning gym sessions. Usually I exercise for ~90mins, but when using preworkout, I can go for 2.5hrs.

its just coffee

I was influenced by my favorite twitch streamer to buy gamer supplements. I just use it as my pre workout.

over 60min workout gonna be a cardio
You're losing your gain

I take mine for pump not for the stims

I can actually work out way longer before getting exhausted with these. Also, I don't know if that is placebo but I become consistently concentrated with these.
Right now I don't take any pre-workout but i feel that this makes my workout way more dependend on daily form ans sleep

I did a week without caffeine before a workout and I could barely get through my workouts. Pre actually helped a tonne the following week

Gamer supplements? Is that a real thing? Kek

Because it's fun to occasionally take

Pretty sure GFuel advertises itself as a supplement for gamers, It's a classic tactic, when your pseudo science no longer appeals to gym goers advertise to a different group, Bang did this too towards students

>Do you really need to stuff your body full of caffeine to be able to go to the gym?
No, but by stuffing my body full of caffeine I can generally lift EVER SO SLIGHTLY more PERHAPS ONE OR TWO MORE TIMES, which correlates to gains.

Caffeine is pretty much the closest thing to a PED that hasn't been banned. This thread is retarded. Take some caffeine and work out and tell me you don't notice a difference.

caffeine/creatine is not bad for you and it improves your energy before working out, why would you not use it? Except if youre a poorfag or dyel

Attached: 1652369336014.jpg (2000x2000, 283.32K)

yeah i do notice a difference
I need to shit between each set. If that's a PED i don't want to think about what steroids do

coffee makes you shit, caffeine doesnt...taking caffeine in pills wont make you shit. Do some fucking research man

i thought it was just coffee but when i stopped taking pre and tried coffee i dont get the same effect

coffee isnt watermelon flavoured

Only when I'm cutting (no calorie energy boost) and only twice a week.

Preworkout often has shit like "Beta-Alanine" which makes you numb and tingly, as well as other compounds. They're obviously not the same.
The 120IQ play is to have a single cup of espresso (brewed at home, you DO have a barista set up don't you?) and 1 scoop of pre on the way to the gym for optimal benefit.

I used to take it. I tried for a long time but it actually does nothing. It does not increase the amount of reps I can hit. It did not get me to lift any heavier weight. The only application I can see for this shit is to use it like coffee and not get any pesticides in your system