Polyphasic Sleep

superior to the 8-16? Would one generally perform better in general once accustomed?

Attached: Polyphasic Charts.jpg (3000x2100, 391.87K)

Probably not. Muscle repair occurs in deep sleep which would be constantly interrupted in this pattern.

I don't even know what to do with my regular awake hours, having even more hours would scare and confuse me

No they looked at physical and mental performance and every measure went down.
But I have got a diferent idea.
Binaural beats can alter brain state (more focused, sleepy and so on).
So what if you can extend the amount of time you spend in deep sleep?
Will you recover faster?
Will you perform better?
Will you need less sleep?
That is what I want to find out.
So download the brainwave app and put on the deepsleep preset for the night with your earbuds and report the results.

In China we have tried this, terribre, wirr not work

I have a 7 week old son. I effectively did this for around a month as a result. It's bullshit

i have a biphasic sleeping pattern, it's nice to sleep for 3-4 hours before i work out in the evening. is it optimal? eh, maybe not. but w/e

I sleep for around ~3 hours immediately after work, then I'm awake for 6-7, then back to sleep for another 5-6.

It has helped immensely with my fatigue. I'm no longer dead tired after work & can lift + enjoy my hobbies more.

Attached: 1607084214610.jpg (344x342, 18.21K)

naps are for people in diapers (young and old)

I did the same thing for a while and it was great except I'd get really schleepy driving home which was scary :/

beyond the memes, humans should take a siesta

That might be true but chinese are subhumans, and even a 30 min reduction is good

>no longer dead tired after work
>I sleep for around ~3 hours immediately after work

siesta makes you tired. however, we aren't supposed to sleep 8 hours

op image is bonkers because humanity's correct sleep pattern is known from old literature and is being verified experimentally

you're supposed to sleep 5-6 hours, get up for 1-2, and then sleep 1-2 more. sleep right side first, then left side to aid digestion

I did it for a while, would come home from work and pass out from 6pm-9pm, wake from 9- 3 or 4 AM, sleep 3-4 more hours then back to work.
I experienced no negative side effects but if you miss a window it could mess up your rhythm.
I think the most interesting thing was I'd feel fully awake right up until 6 then it was like instant sleepy time. didn't even need alarms my body was tuned in to the sleep cycles or whatever. Waking up felt the best in my life but it made weekday social obligations besides late night drinking difficult and it was hard to maintain on the weekend.

If Binaural was a miracle auditory experience, it would be easy to search up and get a proper setup for.
Its just another "slight", where for some wiggers who already have okay sleep they get to gosh over the fact it componsates for their excessive coffee consumption or extremely unhealthy relationship with maintaining the circadian rhythm or lack of exercise.

If something genuinely works, it could be applied to the harsher cases of insomnia.
Instead if you suffer from Insomnia you have to try a mountain of bullshit to eventually deal with malnutrition, lack of sun exposure, circadian rhythm... all while still going to bed and sleeping is a complete fucking crapshot even with drugs.

>If Binaural was a miracle auditory experience, it would be easy to search up and get a proper setup for.

logically invalid statement

>you're supposed to sleep 5-6 hours, get up for 1-2, and then sleep 1-2 more. sleep right side first, then left side to aid digestion
I used to do this and hated it, 1 hour isn’t enough time to do anything productive or get in the state of flow so I just end up reading. Also back sleeping is the ultimate way to sleep

oh no, quiet reading in the early morning hours, how horrible.

>flow state


Nose strips works for mild apnea, but only for mild apnea.
Sleep hygiene works if you violate all the principles in the first place, but otherwise its just rubbish.
Melatonin works if the rest of the brain chemistry works intended for sleep, otherwise its a brick.
Nope.jpg Sedatives fundamentally don't work because they lower sleep quality long term, similar to Nicotine. Short term going to sleep is okay with them, but they destroy the sleep cycle and fatigue you.
>zombiescrolling and red lights
To start zombiescrolling, you need to ignore the phase where the body tells you to go to bed, until you get overtired. Then you are going to zombiescroll for 4 hours until the body remembers that it wants sleep.
Exercise increase your need for sleep, which for most people push them over the threshold where goin to bed at a reasonable and repeatable time is no longer a option, and therefore increase sleep quality.

You might be saying there is something logically invalid, but if there was a miracle cure, it would be universally used because it would fundamentally be without caveat.
Everything listed isn't a miracle cure and won't even dent insomnia. But if you sleep okay in the first place, you just need a trigger to sing jesus praises of halleluja praise the Binaural

I just wanna get on with my day nigga

This is how people sleep in wars. Up all hours, nap when you can. It's miserable.

Polyphasic sleep is a meme. A small minority of people don’t feel physically exhausted when they get less sleep than normal, but they still accrue the costs of lack of sleep. An even smaller minority MIGHT need less sleep than the normal 8 to 9 hours. It’s the people who dont feel how bad it is that are doing it. Eventually they crash and burn. Even the Reddit and Discord are full of people who are on "monophasic recovery", or can only manage 7 hours at night with a nap in the day.

The military, sleep scientists, and even yacht racers, who all have a vested interest in proving the supposed merits of polyphasic sleep, all agree that monophasic is best, and that an afternoon nap can be helpful if you are sleepy. The most outlandish thing they have been able to prove is that biphasic MIGHT be as good as monophasic, but they still aren’t sure. All sleep debt must be paid. Ignore the discord trannies and get your fourty winks user, sleep is life.