Post ARCANE EXERCISES that you'll learned, specific of some sport or not.

I'll start:
>Standing on one leg with eyes closed
Hard af, improves stability, balance, and upgrades vestibular apparatus.
>Kettlebell press bottom-up
Seriously imrpoves your wrist power and damage absorption, one of few exercises that can actually enlarge wrist.
>Overhead squat
Legs and shoulder strength gains and overall stability, flexibility gains, just good for you.

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>get into sumo squatting position, hands out front ready to fucking wrestle, or kettlebell in goblet squat position
>crab walk left and right in a circle around an imaginary foe x failure

insane leg workout in a 3ft x 3ft space

Kek sounds good, will try.


Trying to count your rests instead of using your phone or a stopwatch
Deep breathing exercises and breath exercises in general


On which one?

The latter.

The Ancient Greeks used to have a dedicated section at the end of their workout for breathing exercises. The greek word pneuma refers to air, spirit and life essence. The word phren refers to both mind and diapraghm. They believed diapraghm to be extremely important for the psyche and believed disturbance and imbalances in breathing caused illness and deficiency. Even if you dont believe in the spiritual aspect you should still do them since it can be a great cooldown after workouts and increase efficiency. You should also control your breath during the movements for better results. Exhaling in the negative and inhaling the positive. Bracing for strength heavy movements. And using inner air pressure.
After the workouts you can just do whatever, a strong inhale into a strong exhale, normal inhaling and a strong exhale, taking 30 shallow breaths, inhaling as hard as you can and yelling with the exhale etc etc. It doesnt take much time and it is beneficial.

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Also old strongmen used to believe deep breathing would expand the ribcage and strengthen the muscles there thus making you stronger. I dont know how true this is but i believe they had valuable anectodal knowledge that we lack

Very interesting.
>The Ancient Greeks used to have a dedicated section at the end of their workout for breathing exercises.
What's your source on this?

/fitx/ thread, nice. Bumping.

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I will be trying all of these, thank you

>the full Nordic
Combine a nordic hamstring curl and a reverse nordic curl. Get one of pic related and put your ankles under the T. Descend forward then lift yourself back up by curling your hamstrings, descend backward then lift yourself back up by extending your quads

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1x20 HEAVY squats focused on deep breaths. Like running 2 miles in 3 minutes.

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How can you do 20 reps with heavy weight?

It was called apotherapia i believe and it included meditation and breathing exercises, as for the source i can not produce one

Why would you count your rests?

Unwavering devotion to finding and destroying all maleficers, magicians, and sorcerers.

>Standing on one leg with eyes closed
>Hard af, improves stability, balance, and upgrades vestibular apparatus.
Ok i want to do that, how long and how many reps?

I noted that it is much easier for me to get up in the morning when i start doing heavy breathes.

Lads, how do I become one with the cosmos?

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For me personally it increases my focus, and makes me more in the moment. As i am counting i like to think about the set i am going to do and how to better it. I think about my form, which muscles feel stronger that day, how i should breathe during the exercise and whatnot. I also dont listen to music or use my phone during the workout. I have a homegym so outside disturbances are very minimized. It almost becomes like a meditation

Based and true.