Deviated Septum

Have any of you guys had surgery for this?

My nose tilts to one side of my face like this, and I often have random nose bleeds and congestion. Is it worth it to fix it? I know something like 80% of people have some kind of deviation in their septum.

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before was unironically better

Currently recovering from this surgery as we speak. I never had any of the symptoms you're talking about but I did have pretty bad sleep apnoea.
A week on from the surgery and I can already feel that there is way more air flowing through there.
If you can get it covered by private or public health, go for it, you'll be out of pocket no more than a grand.

Just looking forward to those sweet sleep gains.

>t. Ausfag

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What said. Personally I got mines at January because my doc said it was really bad and it’ll help. Took me about 2 weeks to be fairly normal and felt fully normal at 2 months. If you got it bad, get that shit fixed. It’ll help you way more than you’ll expect.

I have a deviated septum from drugs, it looks fine from every angle except from the bottom

Attached: image.jpg (3088x2316, 1.56M)

Kinda wonky, nobody has ever noticed but me tho

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but the after pic is even worse, "soulless"

Attached: ayynya.jpg (1020x1528, 200.62K)

her nose is still kinda crooked

you never ask for a perfect nose unless you want to look bogged

I got deviated septum and turbinate reduction 2 months ago. Was cleared for activity after 6 days. Ezpz recovery. Definitely worth it. It did not change the shape of my nose externally.

>I've fought mud crabs more fearsome than you!

which one, Any Forums?

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I got the surgery due to constantly getting sinus infections since my septum was blocking 90% of my air. The first week after they take the plastic things out is the best week of your life. Best high ever getting 100% air through the nose lol. Definitely one of the best decisions I made because breathing correctly is so important, it helped my mental health tremendously

The camera angle is different in both pictures. How do people fall for this shit?

uhm... it's not, that's the surgery

soul - soulless

Left, easily. She reminds me of one of my friend's hot moms

Left: SOUL


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>get surgery to fix this
>first month feels great, clear nose, easy airflow
>go back to work
>covid2020 going on
>have to wear face mask 8 hours a day cuz of work while healing, boss doesn't accept nose surgery as excuse
>mask leaves indent in nose on one side
>now have deviated septum again albiet less sever
>tell boss working this wage isn't worth fixing an 8k surgery
If you get the surgery, don't wear a fucking mask, quit your job if you have to, its not fucking worth it. Hate this shit. Can't afford another surgery so just gotta deal with it.

How can a mask dent your septum