Train powerlifting for 4 years

>train powerlifting for 4 years
>be strong for my height and weight
>5'7 , 165 lbs
>go to local gym
>bench 225 for ez reps on the incline
>see guys much bigger than me struggle with 185 on flat bench, barely lifting more than their bodyweight on the squat / deadlift
>always get jealous looks and stares from dyel and bigger people also

Jesus guys train some strength as well. I'm literally half some of you peoples size.

Bench 315 for 5
Deadlift 410 for 8
Squat 405 for 6

Post your weight and lifts, see if you can compare to me faggots

Attached: alphadesitiny.jpg (1280x720, 143.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Can do more than the squat and dead, but my bench is shit

Post video of 315 for five. I dont believe it at 165.

>getting stares
brother they are not miring your strength they are trying to figure out if you ever will learn

Attached: 1234241232132.png (709x462, 659.95K)

>Impress fellow gymcels with muh lifts
>Normies think you're DYEL

>not possible at that bodyweight
>400 lbs paused at 150 lbs here

Not everyone trains or wants to "compete" in a meme powershitting sport, fuck off. Post lifts or it didn't happen.

I didnt say it wasnt possible, I just dont think you can do it.

How can you bench this much and yet look like a total dyel

shutup manlet. god you fucking subhuman midgets are so fucking annoying i could literally hold your forehead with my palm and you'd be swinging literal air


strength mog is the most brutal mog

>he thinks people are jealous of his strength
No, we think that's fucking retarded. I take note of the dyels repping 2pl8 incline bench press for doubles when some mass monster is doing a plate and quarter and is literally twice the size.

brother i promise you, nobody cares about or is impressed by the pudgy manlet quietly doing his powersharter lifts off in the corner of the gym
good for you for being strong, but you need to understand that most people simply do not care about optimizing their strength
i say this as somebody who's prioritized strength for the last 4 years, i have never used my strength IRL, and i get mogged by aestheticsfags 90% of the time, unless i'm about to go for a big PR
just focus on yourself, you're acting like an insecure faggot
there is no doubt that the "big guy" would be able to catch up to, if not surpass, your strength levels, if he structured his training the same way you did, and shifted his goals

Attached: 1659757842319241.webm (1080x608, 2.27M)

Noone posting lifts...

Attached: 20220905_174529-VideoToMp4.webm (480x853, 2.23M)

Post body

good job


>huge but getting mogged by some dyel
And bodybuilders will call powerlifters ego lifters

>posting text instead of a picture of your body/videos of your lifts
95% chance this is fake and gay

You are just coping about the fact that you are short

With platforms maybe. He is 5'3.