I want to go to the gym and get Any Forums but I'm nervous and scared that I will look dumb and do something stupid and...

I want to go to the gym and get Any Forums but I'm nervous and scared that I will look dumb and do something stupid and big tall handsome men will bully me.

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Yeah that'll happen. It's a rite of passage, we all have to go through it. You'll start at the bottom of the pecking order and all the yoked gym bros will bully you relentlessly at first. But don't worry, they're not really doing it to be mean, it's for your own good. Then after some months when you've packed on a bit of muscle some new, skinny and / or fat loser will start going to the gym. Then it'll be your time to bully, and you will officially have become one of the gym bros.
It's tough at first, but it's worth it brother.

Ok I'm definitely not gonna go then.

Stop being such a fucking pussy and just go.
Though I'll give you some advice: do not under any circumstances use the lying leg curl machine during the phase where you get bullied. Just don't. You'll regret it.

No I don't want to anymore.

1. you will do dumb shit and look stupid
2. no one will notice because no one gives a fuck about you
3. or anyone else for that matter
4. go to the gym cunt

Don’t list to that fucking retard. That shit doesn’t happen. Most people realize you’re there for the same reason they are and will just respect you more the more that they see you there

>big tall handsome men will bully me
The way you frame this sounds like you get off on this sexually.

Probably bait but if genuine go in with the expectation to just get the feel of the place.

Aim for easy things you can sit on for a bit like a treadmill incline walking or bike and once you're in scout for a few empty simple looking machines.

I have a smaller gym I've always been too but when I went to a more commercial gym it was very intimidating still to me as there were so many more people and waiting around awkwardly for benches felt weird.

After 2 - 3 times of just going in, doing some easy bits you will just feel more confident in how it works.

Just scout out how things work and don't go mad

All you have to do is show up.
First week just walk through the doors and walk on the treadmill or so something else you are comfortable with m

dont listen to these retards. pick you routine check videos how to and go for it. but this is bait thread so digits and you get anal probed by aliens

Not bait I'm almost 30 I've been trying to work up the courage to go to a gym since college its probably one of my biggest fears

i was 29 when i first time went to gym. i did a little bit of homegym so i wasnt complete dyel. just go retard nobody cares

listen to this man, I foolishly decided not to follow this advice at first...

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I remember when I got beaten up for not using enough weight by the big tall handsome guys
It's not that bad after the 3rd time

What is it with you retards and your social anxiety?! Just go lift weights, not a single person on Earth gives a FUCK about it and will pay NO attention to you or anything you're doing at the gym!

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You're not that important OP, nobody cares

>digits and you get anal probed by aliens

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Consider doing a calisthenics routine then. Or buying a homegym. Buying stuff and weights piece by piece and second hand isn't too unaffordable, and even if you ngmi you can resell it.

If I see a DYEL in the gym this week I’m going to make sure I bully him just hoping that it’s OP, you giant faggot

Did they rape you after?

maybe they will fuck your ass and say you have a little dick too