You will never be a 6'4+ 400+ lbs Giga Chad who can just throw multiple full grown men out of your way with one hand...

>You will never be a 6'4+ 400+ lbs Giga Chad who can just throw multiple full grown men out of your way with one hand like Guts, Kenshiro or Violence Jack
How do you guys cope? No matter how strong I become I can never beat some 90lbs crack head with a glock

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I decided to transition and become a weak girly faggot instead

I stopped comparing myself to fictional characters like an underage fag

I will never be as alpha as Goblin slayer it’s so over for me

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if this thread actually gets more than like 15 posters this board is dogshit
your thread is garbage, you're a retard, please seriously consider never posting on this board ever again

Just be swole and own guns
It's not like they cancel themselves out

>You will never be a 6'4+ 400+ lbs Giga Chad who can just throw multiple full grown men out of your way with one hand like Guts, Kenshiro or Violence Jack

Not with that attitude

I'll show you OP.
Btw you're a fag.

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sage btw. this thread is terrible.

ok but would you be alright in having life long flashbacks of being taken in your dookie hole?

All things are possible through Christ

well i'm 6'5 so thats enough really

Do my best to live as a hero regardless.

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>get leg extensions
>upside down spinal seperation hangs
>take bull shark testosterone
>train a martial art intensely for several years in a remote mountain village in SE Asia
>eat 4 lb of steak and chicken every day

You will accomplish your goal in about 10 years with enough dedication.

I would like to see Yukio Mishima's opinion of capeshit fans

Guts is always relevant.

>he doesn’t gutsmaxx

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Are you even allowed to be a Berserk fan if Spanish isn't your mother tongue

I know enough to speak it brokenly and offensively, is that enough?

Really cool sword. Got any more?

Nah bro, just swing a sword 200 times daily and increasing by one swing every week or a sledgehammer against a tyre, it would create a more accurate IRL Guts build.

Any more swords? Unfortunately this is my only one