>roiding for this

Why is zoomer nation jumping on gear so young? Imagine roiding to look like that just to sit in economics class

Attached: Untitled (1).webm (576x1024, 1.8M)

Why are his veins all bunched up?

Holy manet. Hes probably natty, its just that its super easy to fill out as a turbo manlet + pump + lighting.

Why do some people have zigzag veins? Mine are visible and are not like that.

roids do that

utterly disgusting

Sam Hyde mode at 5'2
>varicose veins in the shape of a dying worm

What 19 year old is taking economics classes? Is he already a sophmore?

what a fat fuck lmao

>roids do that
didnt do that to me. he probably taking some other shit too. maybe insulin, HGH or some SARMS

god damn he looks awful

jesus this is so bad yikes. cursed physique

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I'm not an expert on the drug trade but I'm guessing the guys committing violence for Pablo Escobar were soldiers in his cartel and not just random guys that were his buddies.

Attached: 3gmlkx.jpg (487x629, 24.33K)

'cado looks swole in this one

High blood pressure from the bloat fr his uncontrolled estrogen and progesterone side effects

Their were roiders at my high school. There was no tiktok however. Probably the main difference. But also the dirty little secret that every jacked athlete and actor is using has become common knowledge, so people are more likely to know you need roids to look like Chris hemsworth and not just some stupid app or BCAAs

>roiding for this
>no one posts body to mog him
This guy is smashing all the young pussy you guys didnt get holy kek the malding.

No he’s not. This guy looks like shit a complete joke disgusting even. Kids his age that look good are,sure, but this clown fucked up somewhere along the way or has some curses ass genetics

untreated blood pressure issues from roid abuse. give him 5 years before his first stroke.

the guy you responded to also looks like absolute shit while roiding but roids made him sad so he had to cut back

Those people weren’t Escobar’s friends they were paid for or were afraid of being dismembered or family members kidnapped