>jannies and mods of Any Forums should lift, with proof of physique and numbers
>establish SIG, off topic (locker room general) and diet generals to contain the autism
>not posting body is a bannable offense
>demoralization posts and "fit btfo" threads are a bannable offense
>delete images but don't ban off topic OP not contained within locker room general
>rangeban pearanon, gynoanon and kam forever
>fitler bbc into hwd, ketoschizo into veganschizo, remove filter on soi


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take them

jannys got mad that you were making fun of their threads OP.

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i second all of these

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why would you want to ban pear and gynonegro?

>make a thread on /p/ saying we should have a rule that you need to attach your own photos to your posts
>thread 404'd
Mods don't want boards to be about their topics

the moderator of Any Forums is a woman.


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Don't forget to ban nofappers.

NTA reposting an effortpost from last thread;

The reason incel/looksmaxx bullshit is so prevalent here is because they see lifting and exercise as a way to increase their attractiveness with women which is the primary focus of their worldview. This board's topic can loosely be related to the idea of lookism/looksmaxxing/hierarchy as it is technically a method that can be used for improving physical attractiveness, which allows them to skirt the lines of the rules by vaguely alluding to fitness in their threads (although many are just blatantly off topic and put in no effort to hide it).

There are of course many differences, as most genuine pursuers of fitness or classic Any Forums regulars are far more optimistic and motivational compared to the blackpill incels who are the polar opposite. They're demoralizing, pessimistic, fatalist, nihilist, and knock others down rather than trying to lift them up. This board's mantra was once "we're all going to make it", the general attitude of the fitness/bodybuilding community in general is supportive of others putting in actual effort to improve their situation rather than motivated by pure vanity reasons or putting other people down. The incels will actively try to discourage people from lifting because their face isn't as good looking as some male model, or say that it's meaningless if they're too short or whatever. Fitness and self improvement are about encouraging the best in people and constant improvement, effort, and discipline. This proves that the incel lookism posters are inorganic and primarily motivated by sex or propagating their ideology, many likely not even really exercising or lifting actively at all.

>>demoralization posts and "fit btfo" threads are a bannable offense
This, they are just boring. No originality whatsoever

am i the only one who hate Any Forumstards?
>make constant threads about muh jewish overlord's plan to make everyone into DYELS
>brains fed with boomer facebook-tier pseudoscience
>obsessed with Gen Z
>accuses everyone they disagree with of being "tranny"

Jannies are insanely incompetent, leaving up 10 blatantly off-topic faggot threads for HOURS sometimes.
How do we explain this? They're either straight up not here, doing their job or they're the ones making said Threads in the first place.

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Fuck off jannieloving waste of skin

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Nah i feel the same but don't bring it up much cos they just double down and shit up threads further.

Reminder that jannies autosaged the word goyslop less than a month after it appeared yet ignore everything else. I hate jannies so much it's unreal

>The reason incel/looksmaxx bullshit is so prevalent here is because there is an ongoing operation to demotivate, push extremism and discredit Any Forums and all it's content. This operation is conducted mainly by the FBI but other agencies and governments have their own agendas and operations. All moderators and janneis are a de-facto part of these operations through bribery/threat if not employed directly.
Fixed your post bro

It seems like you know the blackpill stuff is true and you think it's healthier to just ban it rather than engage and debunk it.

The blackpill is just reality, you can use it as a powerful motivational force for good, to target things that actually matter while saving yourself from grifters and copes like PUA that also infect this board. People like you just seem unwilling or scared to look into that abyss and come to terms with the truth.


Since we are civilized, we'll let the blackpill schizos speak in their own defense

Based and signed on every point

based based based based based based based based based based based based
based based based based based based based based based based based based
based based based based based based based based based based based based
based based based based based based based based based based based based