I don't need your validation

I don't need your validation.

Attached: 1819598.jpg (1080x1351, 133.28K)

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I remember watching this guy's vids for a while then one day I googled him and his wife and she's like 5/10 at best.

All this alpha "game" advice stuff to get a 5/10.

Attached: 1625356331830.gif (471x479, 1.5M)

Aw hell nah bruh

Attached: betam.jpg (405x720, 32.93K)

I always thought he changed his gf or partner quite frequently, guess I was horribly wrong
really oof for that dude LMAO

>I don't need your validation.
yeah you need advice


Manlets never learn.

No you need some extra inches in your shoes

Jesus christ

Anyone who self describes them selves as alpha needs to be cringed into the 5th demotion and banished from this realm. He deserves he's old hag wife

Manlets never learn

That guy in your gif is a tranny now

Then why did you post this?

There hasn't been a man who has had this great of an impact on Indian culture since Gandhi himself


Wait, holy shit I eat my words, you're correct

I always thought this guy gave off homo vibes. I bet he's on Grindr

Why not? He's a speedrunner so it's at least a 50/50 chance

I watched him for stuff like how to trim nose hair, ear hair, etc. He seems generally cool which he absolutely does not need to be if his schtick is game. I hope he's happy and healthy

I guess Chibi ended up being less cringe than CaveMAN in the long run.

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what is his catchphrase?
