Did you lift today?

Currently on a heavy arm/shoulder day getting ready for a concert. Blasting youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvsYXqtYjMYdeMuzSplCcWJR9nGZEtrHx

Attached: 20220906_145125.jpg (2840x2130, 2.42M)

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omw to the gym rn let's get it

Nope, and I won't until this heatwave passes. It's going to be 105+ today
>t. homegym californianon

Nice one gynoanon. I am getting ready to bed. Enjoy.

F good luck brother

Enjoy your rest user

What you working on today

Gonna do bi's tri's, forearms, and shoulders in a bit. I should do legs I don't really want to. Maybe just throw in leg curls superset with leg extensions.

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basedanon. im doing push day with a chest focus today with maybe some tricep isolation at the end.

I'm sick so I can't :(

Thanks, I will. Did upper body today and my arms are already sore. You enjoy the concert man.

Yes. I finally hit a 4pl8 deadlift today.
I'm now at 1/2/2.75/4.
Gonna try and burst through that last squat plateau so I can move on.

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wtf are those tits

Getting setup for my pull sess now.
Also nice concrete-filled plates lol. Hopefully you actually paid for them.

Looking great bigger nigger, truly a 10/10 body. Its hot as fuck and I'm gonna do some light exercises

>What you working on today
did bench, chinup, ohp... it was great

c'mon bro, those are gynoanon's powerpecs, put some respect on 'em

what filter did you use to look black?

The skin one

push day for me

bench 5x5amrap 190lbs last set for 8
incline db 3x12 70lbs
db OHP 3x12 60lbs
push downs 3x12 50lbs super slow and controlled
over head triceps extensions 3x12 50lbs
db front raises 3x12 25lbs also slow
ab roller 3x12 out in front
ab roller alternate sides 3x20



>Tuesday night
Wtf nigger

Yeah the band I chose to see chooses weird days of the week to perform. They will be done by 10:30 so I'll be home before midnight