Whats the point? calories and thats it?

Whats the point? calories and thats it?

Attached: How-to-Cook-Rice-7.jpg (1200x800, 148.48K)

Relatively low caloric ratio, carbs, goes great with chicken, is tasty, and even has some protein (though incomplete aminoacid profile).

yes, all you do is consume calories and you have no point

Quick digesting carbs for energy for the work outs.

Easily digestible, creates no gas in your intestines, decent amount of calories, cheap, tasty.

I don’t get why people think this, it’s just white fucking rice, the equivalent of white bread, has relatively little flavor and the texture of soft grains. If it is cooked with something that gives it flavor (coconut rice, egg fried rice, etc.) then yeah sure it’s tasty, but just plain white rice on its own? Where’s the tastiness there

>Sugar destroyed taste buds can't notice the basic flavors of things

I dunno dude, I buy a pretty good basmati rice and it has slight nutty and buttery taste.

I don’t eat sugar except maybe fruit, tried a sip of coke a few months ago and it was so sweet I had to drink water afterwards


Prevents millions of Asians from starving, again

They say it cause they think it's tasty. Pretty straightforward bro.

Stop buying rice sourced from India.


Why the fuck are you eating white rice? Get brown rice instead, dehusking is the asian jew

Cheap carbs and fiber,simple as.
I dont see many fatties abusing rice lmao

Some of the least toxic carb source

You bitch basterd shut up

rice is life
life is rice
t. asian

>mmmm... delicious arsenic...

>t. Whitey who doesn't season his food
Throw some garlic, onion and herbs in there
I love mixing it with shredded carrots too, gives it more moisture and the flavor goes well with rice

tasted good

Brown rice is even better