Current year

>current year
>still no gf
>getting impatient
>text girl i havent spoken to in 8 months that im dtf
>she responds "aha im good thanks for letting me know though"
Who was in the wrong here?

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>want gf
>text random asking for sex
You were. Go to church and participate in functions and maybe you'll find a girl who might want to marry you.

OP could search the world over twice and still not find a girl who would want to marry him, unless she had ulterior motives like a green card or something.

>Text girl ur dtf
Is this a new thing? Which other Any Forumsbros will do this

you're all in might as well finish it
>shut the fuck up, dumb whore
>what time u free tonight

Fippidy bippidy

Never make sexual advances to a woman. Make her make the first sexual move always, otherwise ignore women and focus on yourself

Let those with ears hear what I am saying.

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>play safe, don't take risks, focus on yourself
your future children weap in heaven

Even the girls I'm frequently fucking don't like it if I straight up ask to go over for a fuck. I always have to sugar coat it with, "Hey let's hang out." Usually I have to do SOMETHING before getting sex, even if it's just watching Netflix or Hulu but it's usually something more involved like working out or going for a walk for a whole damn hour.

And yet, if I manage to sneak through some old text messages between them and random guys, there is always a few who straight up say, "Wanna fuck?" and they had responded positively to it. There's even some who the girls themselves just straight up say, "Wanna come over tonight?" But with me? It's always gotta be a goddamn charade. Even the girl I'm currently fucking frequently and and am quite close to will absolutely not directly ask me for sex, she's just gotta sugar coat it and make subtle innuendos hinting at it.

You post Pepe images. Nobody's listening to your stupid ass about life advice, scrote.

>with me? It's always gotta be a goddamn charade
Means you're not near as good looking or even hot as those other guys, in case you didn't know already.

user after 2 years of this heres what iv learned
Its bullshit stop listening to whoever gave you this advice

Women want what they can't have
If you ignore them they are attracted to you
If you pander them they get disgusted by you
U sound like incels
Let those with eyes see what I am saying

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Sorry kam, you’re right I should take risks in life like sexually accosting trannies on /soc/ all day that are 100+ miles away

Because women don't want to feel like whores socially, only in private they do.

Similar when I want IV methamphetamije.i message my dealer 'Watsup' instead of 'inject my veins and fuck my bussy sir"

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I'd rather work on myself than waste energy getting pussy. Like I said, I wait for them to come to me.
Iget like 3 offers for pussy every week, I just don't work for it.

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Trust me, that's not the case. They can't stop talking about how sexy I am. It's that dumb woman shit where it's, "Oh, I actually like him so I don't want him to see me as just some sex object/whore." Whereas the only things those other guys have going for them is looks and a big dick so they don't give a fuck.

This actually works.

Prostitutes don't count.

you're being funny with it but it's legit a great therapy to fuck with women sexually online
are you not building yourself up socially?

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They do if u cum inside them raw

>fuck with women
Nigger she rejexted you lol

The fact that she responded at all is pretty positive desu

>no gf
>texts a girl saying you want to fuck out of the blue
yeah you're NGMI OP, you'll die a lonely virgin unless you pay a prostitute

She probably thought was being facetious out of boredom.

No, he is going to make it. The people that don't make it are the ones who are too scared to experiment. The solution is to test the extreme of strategies, in this case of course by just straight up asking for sex. If you have the courage to do that then you will eventually find the middle-ground and be successful.
Basically what this guy said

Maybe try being less likable?

Dude, just apemaxx. Be the monkey girls want to fuck. Who cares.

It's really, really hard for me because I was fat for most of my life until I got fit within the last few years so I HAD to be likeable to not be completely alone.