Panda express gains bro

Panda express gains bro

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I thought this was nikocados ass

I've been tempted to get a part time job at chipotle just to get free food

I've only been to that place once or twice and idk how others like it so much. Shit's so greasy

I moved to a city with basically no burrito places and I would murder someone for chipotle. I miss them so bad

greasy food is good it's like a refeed after 2 weeks of clean eating
push your organs to keep them alive the same way you push your muscles

Might be going there tonight. Cannot beat it for the price and relative quality.

user, you might need to seek help.

He's right though.

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was good when I was like 12, now looks and taste like some cheap microwave shit, & all chinese food kind of taste exactly the same now days, go to random chinese place on the corner, it's just panda express.

Youll be hungry again in an hour

The weird thing is how much cheaper panda is than your local chinese take out. Fucking jews

Is this ass?

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That looks even more disgusting than usual for Chinese takeout.

Imagine franchising Chinese takeout. What, you gonna franchise Thrift stores too?

>that image
lmfao who the fuck made this

>frozen meat in sugary sauce
You fucked up.

only good option is the teriyaki chicken, any other meat option is like 40% meat.

>frozen meat is bad
nigga what

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I've gotten the family meal a few times, it could be six or seven meals for one person. It would some pretty cheap meals.

>Greasy food is bad because.... Well it just is okay?

The sugar is the problem.

*would be

sugar is great for refeeding
it powers good mental health
imagine going your entire life with no sugar
there's a reason it makes us feel good and want more, and denying it throughout our lives is how to commit slow mentak suicide

Not that guy, but you know Panda Express uses the cheapest, most garbage cooking oils available, right?

It's bad because it tastes bad, faggot. Also yeah the sneed oils used in its preparation are bad for you.

>gall bladder making :| face.jpg