Anyone got a short frenulum?

This band which connects the foreskin with the shaft is too short. What do I do? Having sex hurts a lot.

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Don't have sex
That's what I have been doing

become the girl. transition is the key. overcome your shortcomings bro.

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Genital skin is usually very flexible. You try stretching it user?

This fucker ruined my teenage sex years. It needs to be cut, it’s called frenuloplasty, ask your doctor for it. If the doctor would want to circumcise you, he’s paid by jews, frenuloplasty is sufficient, don’t let him cut your skin off.

Isn't there a way to stretch it out? There are tons of nerves in this and I read that most doctors fuck it up and it's painful and ugly afterwards.

Can I become the cute girl if Im a guy at 6'4, strongfat, and very hairy?

>Isn't there a way to stretch it out?
Yes, don't listen to this filthy, kike, parasite fox without a tail. Steroid creams also work, just like they work for phimosis, as well. Don't mutilate your dick for any reason.

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You can stretch tight foreskin but not the frenulum bro. They do it in local anesthesis (injection in your dick, but very tiny needle, you don’t even feel it) and it’s not painful at all.

This guy is a kike in disguise. He wants to manipulate you into ruining your dick with steroid creams so you must be circumsized completely, instead of a tiny cut of just the fren

>You can stretch tight foreskin but not the frenulum bro
Why can I not stretch the frenulum? What happens if you have sex with a short frenulum, doesn't it just get stretched out naturally?

i tore my frenelum off when i was 17 because i was struggling to pull my foreskin back its not an issue anymore. i shouldnt need to tell you that this is extremely retarded. get a surgeon to snip yours or something

pic rel

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also i'm 21 now and i took the photo just now. i'm a 5'6, 130 lb dyel

Why can I not stretch the frenulum?
You can.
Don't listen to these kikes who want you to fix a problem that can be solved without surgery.

listen to the kikes bro they know whats best for you trust

Jesus Christ, you cunts are pathetic. Stop trying to drag people down with you, you fucking crabs.

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at least i can wash my penis user. op cant say the same

He can wash it just fine, retard. Why are you so hellbent on having him ruin his penis for no reason? Are you truly THAT spiteful?

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>He can wash it just fine, retard.
if you were a penis-cel youd know thats not true

Again, stop trying to get him to ruin his penis just because yours is ruined and you don't want to be the only one with a fucked up dick that was caused by your poor decisions.

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>having a frenelum you cant pull back is the result of your own poor decisions
learn about genetics 'tard

don't listen to jews on 4channel, do your own research

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how many sets do you do a day