Placebo thread

Post supplements that do nothing

Attached: VN_US_FishOil_180_Box_1024x.png (1024x1024, 804.79K)

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This is not true. Fish oil helps to reduce autoimmune disease, as well as might be helpful with different psychic problems, like, depression and ADHD.

Attached: SSRIs.jpg (568x346, 21.95K)

Also, on the bottle it says "heart" and "cholesterol". Science is not even close to settling in these topics. There are some meta-analysis' that prove and disprove this.
This in not a theme a internet virgin like you could elaborate on

Imagine spending money on "might"

over hyped popsceince retardation. Eat your fucking fish and don't take this shitty supplement

the young brain needs fish fat to develop to its full potential for adulthood.

>Eat your fucking fish and don't take this shitty supplement

Nobody eats fish every day unless you're a fisherman retard.

Lol what

or might not, who knows

research DPA

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That comes from plants my brother. Fish just eat it. You don't "need fish fat".

I eat north east Atlantic mackerel literally everyday. cope


that's a good diet but my diet is more sporadic and i need a fish oil in my supplement.

unless I'm taking it the wrong way, pic related shit does nothing

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Omega 3 protects you against the dangers of omega 6 from sneed iols

What are you expecting and are you on a cut?

yes. no significant change from when I was doing the same cut without the thing.
maybe I'm doing it wrong

Step one: dont eat seed oils
Step 2: don't buy unseeded supplements

You have to be taking class for a long time to see the results, and l carnitine just gives you sort of an energy boost, it doesn't accelerate metabolism or anything, it helps shuttle fatty acids