My chest sucks, but it sucks less now than it did months ago...

My chest sucks, but it sucks less now than it did months ago. Biggest change was switching primarily to dumbell benching.

Attached: 0CE5807F-2561-4BEF-AFF1-6327999E60BE.jpg (3464x3464, 986.32K)

do inclines

Good progress. Might not feel like but you've made massive improvements. Keep going.

Thanks bro, being a chestlet sucks

> X sucks
I open the thread
Perfectly acceptable
Kill yourself.

Barbell flat bench is a complete meme, dumbbells are the way forward

soon you will also realise doing squats with a barbell are not optimal
then you will learn that deadlifts are fucking useless and are just an entire ego lift
after that you realise your shoulders grow bigger after you swap the barbell for dumbbells

and then finally, you realise the barbell is a meme

Looks great by normie standards. Keep up the good work.

Its good,just not great,keep lifting,making it

You're just bad at it.

Digits of truth. Barbell training is massivly overrated for the general populace.

Attached: The_Red_Bull.jpg (800x900, 256.89K)

exactly. barbell training is only for powershitters and weightlifters, for the general population hitting the gym and those who lift for aesthetics/to look better should just use dumbells and machines instead

>Dumbell benching
Why not both?

Dumbbell flys, chest press, anything that beings your hands/elvows closer together.
Barbell benching will not do much in terms of size.

>being this scared of a fucking stick
based retard

>Biggest change was switching primarily to dumbell benching.

That's a good improvement my dude, what's your lifts. I've recently taken the dumbell pill as well. You can really feel the difference right away.

Dubs of truth and it's not just for aesthetics. Your practical strength will be much better because you're hitting all the stabalizing muscles.

>You're just bad at it.
Lifting with hexbells is harder dipshit. Dare you to take your max barbell bench and try it with free weights. Watch your fucking arms shake like a chihuahua in a cold breeze.

I agree with everything except machines. They're worse than barbells and should only be used by the weakest beginners. Build up a good base with machines then just switch to free weights. The only good machine lift is the lat pull.

>Dare you to take your max barbell bench and try it with free weights
Wasn't this precisely the reason why barbell bench was considered superior? Because it allows you to lift far heavier weights?

I remember reading it years ago. Has the broscience changed?

(I do 6x8 barbell bench and 4x10 dumbbell bench on my chest days, both incline. Just to be safe, I do both.)