Is this true? Is cardio a meme if you're trying to lose fat?

Is this true? Is cardio a meme if you're trying to lose fat?

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cico, though cardio is bad for you after a point

Prey wrote this

yes do deadlifts instead

but you could just as well be hunting pray how does the body know the difference ?

yes it's a complete meme
any time spent doing cardio is time you could've spent lifting

Hunters don't pant, they smile

You should walk incline for 20 min at 3mph not run 3 miles.

which point?

Generally more than 30 minutes and you’re doing more joint damage than cardiovascular improvement

His logic is wrong and retarded, but he ends up being somewhat right for the wrong reasons. Cardio really isn't going to burn all that many calories in the grand scheme of things. The more important factor is simply eating less, it's not like you're going to realistically outrun a bad diet if eating an extra piece of goyslop is going to require you to run for another hour. Sure, cardio helps you burn more calories, but it's really not something you can rely on. The reason for doing cardio is heart health, hense the name

The amount of fat bloated powerlifters posting in this thread is astounding.

That’s potentially one of the most retarded things I have ever read

Nah running can totally help lose weight, because if you're a fat ass, it does burn a good amount of calories. Plus that hour or two you're out running you're not eating, so that's a nice deficit there lol.

eh, i avoid it because my deficit is already steep and excess cardio further elevates cortisol to where sleep is affected. dieting on low calories already fucks with cortisol, and cutting with insomnia issues is not at all fun. the stress alone from that increases hunger making you likelier to binge. so, personally, cardio is counterproductive if i can reach low levels of body fat solely through lifting and diet. all that is my personal experience, at least. i used to do an hour of cardio 5 days out the week.

The threshold where you get joint damage is dependent on your conditioning and strength.

Smiling doesn't provide oxygen, retard.

dude its not unreasonable to burn 2k in a session of cycling. at that point you actually have to work to keep a surplus no matter how big a fatty you are.

Oh man, this lioness sure is feeling like a prey while breathing through her mouth stalking a gazelle or some shit for lunch.
OPs pic was written by a certified fatass who can't fucking run to save his life.

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Why would being hunted but escaping age you or make you fatter? That makes no sense. Is cardio good for you? Absolutely. Is it the best way to lose weight? Probably not. If you don't lift, only run, and do CICO, you'll lose weight while also eating muscle. By lifting and running you can A) eat more without getting fatter B) hold on to muscle more easily and C) increase BMR. If you only got to do one, lifting or cardio, and you're trying to lose weight, then I'd go for high rep circuit training, a hybrid workout.

They simplified it for normies but the basis of it all is high cortisol and it’s negative effects

broscience. a 3 hour bike season more or less doubles the amount of calories you need that day to not loose weight, and 3 hour bike isnt that hard to do. its the biggest contributor to your cico if you got the balls to endure it. its that simple, this threads chokefull of broscience and powershitter cope.

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>3 hours going nowhere and shrinking the whole time

If you AREN'T training to the point you have to mouthbreathe, you aren't training hard enough. This guys for weightlifting too btw. I'm all for excuses not to do cardio but this is a reach.

I only powerlift + abs and don't do cardio

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somebody will accuse you of roiding here in about 2 minutes

Haha damn this is so retarded