Is there a gym for personality?

Is there a gym for personality?

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Yeah, school. Where you're meant to socialize and emotionally come into your own.

I fucked up and studied instead

What if you didn’t socialise in school much?

Is that a joke?
School is a day care-(with room for indoctrination)
Even if it's not a public or bad school you don't develop properly through involuntarily Action environments & social interactions


Hard work builds character

It's only that way because it's enforced
Things aren't necessarily meant to be that way
I value education a lot btw more than almost anything but not the way it's done now generally

>refuses to elaborate


The gym presents some good opportunities, unironically.
Start forcing small talk on the reception staff and personal trainers, be willing to spot and receptive to being spotted, and just say hi to people if you cross paths and make eye contact.

But what if they say hi back? Id be screwed

>The gym presents some good opportunities
no, almost any other sport I can think of is better for that.

You introduce yourself and shake their hand if they're someone you see on regular basis, or you leave it at hello if it's someone you haven't seen around.
Don't try to lead conversations if you are socially inept, but get the feel for asking basic questions.
Reflect and learn from each experience.

>involuntary environment
>"this will prepare me to interact with people!"

ego kills to failure

Waiting tables is like social skills bootcamp. Worked for me, highly recommended

I grew more at my job than in school, but then again my job isn't full of massive faggots like my school was.

College is better for that honestly

any way except drugs?

I had the 'tism and nobody told me. Now level 35 khhv wizard. Wat do.

Clubs, religious orgs, sports teams, and volunteering groups.

Cope harder faggot, you could have (and should have) done both.

maybe if you have 50-80 years to spare

Stamping your feet and demanding life occur on your terms won't make you better with people.


somebody post the senator armstrong roidhead vs skinny smoker model

>sales job
>travel agency job
>not being an avoidant faggot in grade school/university with an unwarranted superiority complex