Are grips for fags?

are grips for fags?

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weird looking flashlight is it a cobra's vagina?

Very simple
Didn't lift
Didn't lift
Didn't lift
Didn't lift

Ofcourse when your diddlying 5+ plates it's a different story.
>inb4 muh grip is weaker but i CAN lift it with (x)
So your grip is too weak AKA you didn't lift it.

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how does that even work

you put it on your cock

how many plates do you lift? cheateranon.

if you're using them on machines (especially smith machines) to do your lifts, then yes, they are fucking gay and you are a fag

They're great if you want to do actual back work instead of making every pull a grip exercise. Do grip work separately if you use them.

In what lift, also are you retarded (yes).
I'm stating that when you use an attribute like a belt you didn't lift it ergo using a belt is cheating.

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These ones are fine. Just don’t be a fat and figure-eight wrap them around the bar.

Cobra grips, unless you have an injury, are counterproductive. Your forearms need to be engaged in order to maximally pull. Try doing a pull-up with a weak grip and then a strong grip, the strong grip will be easier because the forearm is part of the strength chain.

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yeah I use straps for 6 and 8 rep SDLs and RDLs respectively and my grip starts to weaken half way through. I also have super sweaty palms so that makes things worse. normal DLs, pull ups and pendlays I do without straps so forearms still gets worked. recently added grippers to help wrist recovery so let's see if that does anything.

no rules only tools

That’s why I personally never use them. Too afraid of my grip strength getting fucked. Not opposed to the idea of them and definitely are a tool to be used but I like training as much of my body as possible on a movement.

I'd argue that amount of back/posterior chain gains you lose from grip being limiting factor is way more than grip strength you lose from using straps. but you do you.

I don't ever use anything in my training personally because that is what works for me. Some people need to though especially if they have terrible forearms and hands. They need to work their grip separately as the goal should be to be able to train without the equipment eventually. There is no cheating in training, only it works or it doesn't work.

What if I have the grip strength but I am just one sweaty motherfucker? On my old pull up bar that was thin and padded I could knock out 20 pull ups without slipping off. I got the Big Bar from Baseblocks and it is nice but has no padding and is thick as fuck. I am so sweaty I slip off the bar after 8 reps, dry my hands off and repeat. Would grips help me with this?

Grips are the biggest cope ever.
I mean seriously use your fucking brain.
>whoa bro my grip is super weak, instead of training it though i'm going to keep working out muscles groups that I obviously can't maintain for some really stupid BIG number cope
Like who the fuck justifies these mental gymnastics in their head.

Almost all of the strongmen powerlifters use straps. Why? Because they aren't retarded enough to let some of your smallest muscles in your body limit their biggest lifts.
>Caring about what other people think
>Doing deadlifts for wrist strength

why don't you just do like normal humans would do and just chalk your hands up.
i unironically do hypertrophy deadlifts, you know how much that shit sucks with 3pl8? still not going to cope grips. just add some chalk and good to go.

Hmm guess so. Maybe I’ll get a pair and see if anything is different.

once again
>instead of training my grip strength i'll cope and work out muscles i obviously can't maintain without supplementation.

Not him but yes and no. Either way, you are going to need to target something separately anyway whether that he grip or posterior chain. I am assuming this is all about deadlift and you should not be relying strictly on that for your posterior chain anyway, you needs good mornings, glute ham raises, etc in conjunction with deads to really bring you to your best. Same goes with grip.