Guily free gains?

I can't afford waygu every night for now so how can I find a good source of cruelty free protein?

In whole foods it says the animals are treated humanly on the stickers but idk if I can trust them..

I honestly can't fucking handle the immorality anymore, escpaically now that I'm eating even more for the gym..

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Is it even possible for society to even go cruelty free? Won't packing in animals always be cheapers?

No one has the land of time to be giving all of them massages and petting them

it's important to understand that humans need animal products to survive, but the meat industry is plagued with issues.

Raise your own chickens/rabbits, learn to hunt and fish, and eat more seafood.

Fish actually have more nerve endings than mamals so it's more painful for them..

Is this some sort of shilled ad campaing? you would that that Any Forums, a site filled with racists, pedophiles, degenerates, discord trannies would give 0 fucks about something like animal cruelty, like 99% of people here lack empathy even for basic people

Animals are cute, people are scum.

Own ducks/chickens, learnt to hunt/fish. Animals die, that is normal and natural. Keeping them jammed in cages is pretty messed up though

Yet wild caught seafood lives their entire life completely separated from industry until their final moments. Which is better, to live a good life until your final moments or to live a poor life and die a poor death anyway?

Rice + beans
Free range eggs

>read nietzsche
>learn about slave morality
>the animal is too weak to enforce it's will
>and done
also reddit spacing btw

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Cattle raised in the EU is generally quite well treated, and this reflects in the general quality of the produce. Call me a europoor as much as you’d like, but the agricultural policy of Europe is just better than the USA’s.

Unless you bought poultry and meat from specific farms Id guess the only other long term option would be seafood as at least they are wild until caught compared to animals raised and killed in factory settings ?

The only other option is switch to a mostly vegetarian diet and eat enough protein to hit your target so meals would likely be three quarters veg and fruit to reduce the overall amount of animal you might be consuming

"I watched a YouTube excerpt from a smart looking goy that convonetitly fits my world views, this somehow means I won the argument bescuxe I'm low iq and don't understand how logic works"

Pasture-raised eggs

Most seafood is farm raised when u don't live close to the sea

>I honestly can't fucking handle the immorality anymore
if you think eating food is immoral then you are saying your life is immoral, you know what to do

>Is it even possible for society to even go cruelty free?
Cruelty is a rather broad term so I will just assume you meant animal cruelty.
If technological progress doesn't stop then we will hit a point where lab meat will become commercially viable.

It's not about pain.
It's about personhood.

you also require many times more fish than pigs or cows to feed yourself

Free range doesn't mean what you think it does. Free range means there is a tiny door in the big shed for the chickens to use to go outside. Chickens don't know about doors so they stay inside. You want organic eggs. That's the chickens running gayly through the fields image most people think free range is.

He isn't saying eating meat is immoral. He is saying the way the animals are kept during their lives is immoral. I wouldn't expect a simpleton like yourself to grasp the difference though.

I buy beef from a farm about 10 miles from me, I see the cows just graze , they have a nice barn. Really their only shitty day is the one they go to the buthcer,

Just don't eat birds then. Or buy free range raised it's healthier anyways

Pigs and cows get treated no better. Especially dairy cows. They are getting raped on the reg.