How do I fix rounded shoulders?

How do I fix rounded shoulders?

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order a new spinal cord from Amazon.

lean back

But theres nothing to lean against though

watch that video
it's actually pretty good

Just stand up straight

Eat more square foods

swim for an hour

Link? Not op btw

Learn to love pull and back exercises and your rear delts,big chests are for women.Band pull aparts (reverse grip) every day are also amazing.

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Back work like rows, Deadlifts, face pulls, etc

Posterior chain exercises

Dubs and op dies right now

I thought this was enough but it isn’t. In combination you just:

Put hands behind your head
Engage glutes and push your hips forward
Push elbows back as much as you can
Breathe slowly and do this for 20 secs.

That should leave you set for 12 hours.

good luck faggot odds are you'll do every fucking thing wrong and fuck up your body more.
once you have back and shoulder problems you always have back and shoulder problems.
it gets slightly better, but never goes away.

>once you have back and shoulder problems you always have back and shoulder problems
Wrong. I had really bad back issues in college from sitting all day every day in awful postion.
Starting getting Any Forums and did squats, deadlifts and OHP and I have never had back issues since.

Strangely enough after just a few months of lifting I swear my entire physique remolded itself from skinny fat programmer to normal person. I used to have very narrow shoulders but after the first few months I had the widest shoulders of almost everyone I knew.


stop worrying about shit that doesn't matter and is all in your head

>this kike demoralization shill.
Let me guess, pharmaceuticals the only way to go right? Once a week to dr chiropractberg?

Deadlifts did absolutely nothing for my posture. Two of the best deadlifters I know in fact have kyphotic backs

An exercise called "dumbbell pullovers"