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What are some common behaviors girls use to compete against each other for a man?

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i witnessed a flat chested girl bullying a titcow for her masive breasts

Did you stand up for her?

>compete against each other for a man
they don't. they sit there and select among the men making passes at them

Women set the beauty standard. They make sure its unobtainable by the majority of women. The slim, youthful look is achievable by the top 1% of women who don't have to work, have plenty of time to eat healthy, can blow 5k to 10k a year on skin care alone, several hundred a month on beauty products not including new clothing and accessories.

I used to be the poorest girl in the class, invisible to mankind. Now I've been money pilled. People assume I'm 10 years younger than I am. I get attention anywhere I go. Being poor made me ostracized. Being ostracized made me autistic. Being autistic made me smart. Being smart made me rich. Being rich made me a cold blooded siren. You don't compete for men at the top. Men compete for you

Backhanded compliments, trying to embarrass the other woman, talking shit behind her back. If they are both present and competing for a man they will just try to be physically closer or more visible to the man than the other girl.

my dick did.

Girls will bring each other down by destroying each other's confidence over a slow burn, like small insults over the course of months. They will also give bad advice because they "care", but they're actually just killing the competition. You see this a lot with skinny girls telling fat girls how they're beautiful the way they are.
They will tell their "friend" to buy an ugly dress instead of a pretty one saying the ugly it looks better on them.
Basically they try to convince the competition to look uglier so they seem like the more appealing option.

Would never choose that fatty

I’d treat you to some fresh pasta instead of that stale one, love.

Women are always completing way harder than men.If it's about a man they are way more prone to fighting too where men would just say "well she made her choice" and only fight for the woman they already have


>they sit there and select among the men making passes at them
Isn't this really ineffective? Why would girls not chase after the top men?

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I really doubt all this, maybe with low IQ trailer trash black girls it's true but I am in college, have female friends and never seen something like this play out.
Most girls just chill their life, have tons of men approach them and in the end pick the best one. Only men compete against each other because why would women have a need to do the same? Standard for an average looking woman are 100+ guys chasing her.

This. I work with a lot of female executives; watching them throw each other under the bus is one of my few joys as a consultant. They’re mostly shit so their stupid antics just keep them out of my way fortunately.

You’re not paying close enough attention then.

why do you keep posting the same pic?
Are you a bot?

Of course they have many men that are interested in them but there aren't many men they are interested in. All women want the best guys but in their eyes there are only very, very few highly attractive men, so when one comes around that's when they actually need to compete. Also, you have to consider that to them a man gets much more desirable when other women also show interest in him.

Tell me you are not attractive without telling me you are not attractive

This. I've never met a woman with a lifelong friend that was also a woman

I remember being in a bar at a table with a bunch of male and female friends when this absolute Chad (a friend of a friend) came in and joined us at the table. It took less than 5 minutes and 2 of the girls got up from their seat and both sat next to the guy and they both fought for his attention for the rest of the night.