Feels bar

I dislike that my mood is dependant on being socially connected or not. That'a why I isolate, I want to get used to being alone. But I can't seem to become indifferent to people. Lately, instead of "desiring" people, I've been really violent towards them. Last week I've been close to assaulting two people. I don't think I intimidated one of them because I wasn't trying to, just asking questions to see if I was right to be angry before I exploded on him, I didn't, I was wrong. The other one tried to intimidate me, but I got in his face and made him fuck off.
My mind isn't filled with people, I'm not thinking about this all the time. In the span of last month I've just started to get really irritable, whenever I thought someone was "disrespecting me" I got really mad, even though there was no reason to, I was irrational. For example, someone coughing on my presence.
I've isolated for 2 years thanks to corona, in that spam of time I've changed my waking time to the night, so that I could avoid my parents and going out. Then reintroduced myself, and while I'm disconnected from people, succesful socialization makes me feel good.
My agressiveness makes me socially anxious too, I'm not confident in my physical capabilities to be violent. That's why my strategy is bottling it up until I can explode in a safe environment on a cowardly manner, I really want to hurt people as edgy as it sounds. On the other hand, I really love my friends and I want no more introductions.
I did have sex, but im too far gone. I made her do it, and she said she felt used, told her it's not my problem.

well, if you read all that
thank you
if you didn't i dont care

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It’s not about being alone but disconnecting from being influenced by others and what they consume culturally whom may or may not put your or their own wellbeing first. It’s both a gateway to freedom and heightened sensitivity to social interaction.

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You attempt to control world and God's will, this bad
Sounds estrogen, real man is chill
you dropped your gay card


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you dropped your hypocrite card and you sound like you missed out on school entirely.

you sound like you fiddle with kids, beat your wife and bully fundamentally little people

I applied for an expedited passport about 8 weeks ago and haven't heard anything back yet, I figure there might be a hold on my application due to some legal issues I got myself into a while back. Not getting into details but it's really incredible how much you can screw up your life without realizing it in the moment.

Anyway, hoping I can get back to the gym on Monday. It's been a couple weeks

you sound like you are going to threaten to kill yourself so you can get a chance at a miserable existance of beating your wife and diddling children before being extinguished in hell.

you sound like a morbidly obese morbidly ugly morbidly retarded loser that is a parasite on society and all those around you so much so that you by proxy poison not only those around you but entire communities

>mid 20s
>full time job, paying off own apartment
>depression, anxiety and burnout
>insecurity/zero self esteem, constantly comparing myself to everyone else around me and feel in constant desperate need of external validation
>no sense of accomplishment from anything
>refresh the same 5-10 tabs every single day while hating myself for doing so
>social contact is limited to family visits and messaging high school friends
how do I unfuck my shit before it's too late?

I'm so fucking tired when people try to hype me up by saying I'm good looking and speak of my good traits when they ask if I'm single. While I am absolutely insecure about that shit, hearing platitudes makes things worse because it always sounds condescending. The hollow words won't fix years of that shit, and I'm not interested in dealing with the modern bullshit you have to wade through to find a good girl. For people I interact with regularly, they tend to stop when I bring up that I'd rather not talk about that, but I deal with meeting enough new people that it inevitably comes up in different conversations, so the repetition is ass

>normie with normie life
>great fiancée - gorgeous, smart, same values (i.e not an annoying liberal or leftist)
>recently had a dream about girl from my past
>loved her from afar, but she barely even knew me
>dream was incredibly vivid, we had a life together
>woke up depressed, still depressed now, obsessively checking her social media accounts even if I know it's wrong and I love the girl I'm with now

What do? I'm a 27 year old man yet I'm acting like some retarded teenager, it's frustrating

>What do
Enjoy your current life because you don't deserve it.

>What do
>Enjoy your current life because you don't deserve it.

I'm aware of this, it's why I'm so angry and sad

your dream girl is probably a whore and getting dicked every chance she gets

Probably, yes, considering she posts dozens of thirst trap pics on Instagram and videos on Tiktok. I guess I'm just captivated by who she used to be, not who she is now

Hang out with people from work? The fact that you can hold down a full time job and you're paying off your own apartment makes you more successful than many people our age and a lot of the people on here

>day 7 nofap
>anxiety is rising to unbearable levels

so lonely
its like infinite hollow space deep inside your bones you can feel, dull constant pain
and its not going away
at least i dont cry for hours anymore so there's that

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bonds of people is the true power
but before you can form those bonds
you have to have a strong bond with yourself