How full of shit is Any Forums?

How full of shit is Any Forums?
>Rarely see anyone bench above 75kg
>Seen a 2 plate squat maybe once
>Barely seen anyone OHP and when they do it's nothing over 40kg
>No one ever deadlifts
>No one filming themselves
Most people just do lat pulldowns and leg press. Yet Any Forums would have you believe MFers are pulling 1/2/3/4 within a year.

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Any Forums is mostly full of shit but I see everything you mentioned every day.... and I go to a small shitty gym

My weak dyel 3pl8 diddly literally gets mired. I look like shit and actually have girls ask me for diddly advice.

Then again it's a commercial gym so standards are low?

i have body dysmorphia from Any Forums anyways

I did a 80 days squat challenge one time. My PR were 100kg yet at day 25 i squatted 150kg in shoes and 140kg barefoot. So having people get good gains in a year become believable to me, i just wasn't going heavy enough.

It is standard Any Forums belief that being truthful of how hard you work = incel cope. There's a screenshot espousing this that is posted in normie/women lifting standards threads. Any Forums's most recent survey showed that 75%ish of Any Forums hasn't hit 1/2/3/4.

Assume height, age, weight, strength numbers, time-frame to get to strength numbers, and routines are a lie unless your gut tells you it seems truthful

You go to an old person or high school zoomer gym probably. It is pretty rare to see people doing more than 1/2/3/4 in a commercial gym but that’s because the guys taking it seriously are all in private gyms or are athletes using advanced facilities leased out for their team

>How full of shit is Any Forums?
Quite thoroughly
There isn't much reason to post here (or or anywhere else) if you actually lift and have grown out of the noob stage, because any sound advice or observations you try to give will be drowned out by bullshit and incel threads. Hardly any of the >people who make roid bait threads and police the 1/2/3/4-in-a-year thing are active gymgoers, they're self hating sloths who just want to demoralize.

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6'3", NW0, $200k+, 2/3/4/5 is literally the bare minimum on Any Forums

>Any Forums's most recent survey showed that 75%ish of Any Forums hasn't hit 1/2/3/4.
Unironically, can I sub out squat and deadlift? I'll hit a 5pl8 squat before a 4pl8 dead lmao

I used to go to one of the more expensive gyms in the city. Everyone was a dyel, never seen anyone deadlift more than 2 pl8s or bench more than one.

Then I switched gyms to a cheaper one. When I came there I could feel the atmosphere was more intense. In the mornings when I come, there are usually these 2 autistic guys that deadlift a shitton and can squat over 3 pl8s. I bet they browse fit too. They just look like it.

Forgot to add one of them does oly lifts with the really wide bars that you can't warp your hand around. Kinda insane how much weight he can handle on that

I was squatting next to a dude doing 405 front squats yesterday supersetted with weighted pull ups, and another dude doing 315 power cleans. There were also some dudes benching 135 behind us, and some other dudes squatting 115 not even to parallel. Point is, it varies. There's strong dudes in the gym, and there's weaker dudes in the gym. But with proper programming and diet, anyone can get respectable lifts like 1/2/3/4 (probably with an even heavier squat if you can hit the other 3 targets.

>Do people lie anonymously on the internet?
Holy shit, really? How old are you?

>Yet Any Forums would have you believe MFers are pulling 1/2/3/4 within a year

This is mostly Any Forumsbros lifting 1/2/3/4 after 3 years of lifting but rationalizing it for themselves "THEORETICALLY I could have done it in one year IF..." but no one actually doing it.

>Yet Any Forums would have you believe MFers are pulling 1/2/3/4 within a year.
Yeah this is the biggest bullshit posted here. 1/2/3/4 isn't possible without years of strength training, unless you're roiding.

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3,4 can be done in 1 year for sure. 2 might take two years though.

my fatass dyel brother who plays pokemon go all day literally looks like this fuckin pepe

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There is a small subsection of people who actually lift on fit and it's in a specific thread. There's another subsection of lifter who look good and it's in another specific thread. Last but not least there is a subsection, though very small, that both lifts and looks good. It's hard to know if it's real though cause the jannys always delete it.

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It took me 8 months to hit 1/2/3/4. When I started, I had never lifted before. I was a 145 lb twig when I started. I'm shitty at sports and nowhere near genetically gifted, so I can confidently say that 99% of men can do the same. You're probably just undisciplined and don't eat and sleep enough.

weakcel cope

roidtrannies cope

What is 1/2/3/4 ???