Why the fuck is it so difficult to lose belly fat? It seems no matter what i do, i can't get rid of it. (fasting...

Why the fuck is it so difficult to lose belly fat? It seems no matter what i do, i can't get rid of it. (fasting, keto/low carb/20k steps daily/lifting/no sugar and sweets/no alcohol).

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try cycling

it's not any harder than losing any other fat. you just have to reach the bottom of the barrel and you havent come up to terms with the fact that you will end up weighing the same as you did in middle school when you reach that leanness to have visible abs.

Because that involves dieting

>fasting, keto/low carb/20k steps daily/lifting/no sugar and sweets/no alcohol
Kek, how often do you cycle between these diets?

It certainly is. The more weight i lost, the slower the progress becomes. My face and arms and legs lost fat really quickly and obviously. But my belly? Nope. I am down to 20% BF (from 135 kg to 90 kg) and i just don't lose fat anymore. I think i need to do some drastic changes.

>fasting, keto/low carb/20k steps daily/lifting/no sugar and sweets/no alcohol

Have you tried a caloric deficit yet OP?

Of course. I am currently fasting 18/6 and super hungry most of the time which tells me i am on a deficit.

Okay. But what does your calorie intake look like through all that?

You can be in a surplus and still be hungry. Fat fucks are always hungry

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>why cant i lose belly fat?!?
You got a LONG way to go before you see any abs.

because you're not supposed to lose it. Stop looking at retarded low body fat pics.
Embrace the belly.

I know, but i don't eat a lot....i think....lots of proteins too.

Why are you trying to demoralize an user who is already struggling?

Lost 4 inches off my waist recently through simple dieting and excercise.
Just eat less and move more you fat fuck.

belly fat is one of the few fat deposits men have. if you have a healthy amount of body fat odds are youll have belly fat

But it's fucking UGLY. Plus i am so close to the goal...it's just 5 or 6 more kilos to lose...

>move more you fat fuck.

20k steps, lifting and daily cycling not enough?

Look, i wouldn't be so moody about it if i didn't do the things, but i do the things and i am still stagnating.

Pic related - current status. How bad is it?

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You clearly need either more time or more calorie deficit

Do i risk losing muscle mass if i cut too much?

i had the same problem when i started lifting and tried everything under the sun

i ended up finding out thru trail n error that u need to get your BMR (basal metabolic rate) up.

i was eating 1600cal/day and was barely losing any weight. then i bulked up, put on a lot of muscle (albeit w some bodyfat aswell) for 6 months and then a big cut from december to june and it paid off so well

It sounds counter-intuitive but makes sense. As you are losing weight, your metabolism is slowing down because your bodyhas to function on a deficit.