What posts triggers you the most? posts about looksmaxing, seeing females you can never fuk, cuckold posts...

what posts triggers you the most? posts about looksmaxing, seeing females you can never fuk, cuckold posts, "how do I get this physique?". Hairline threads, threads about people denying roiding, people growing old threads.

fph wph is the only ones I approve. I hate all of the above. this is why I never go on here, you are all about anything but lifting. just trying to trigger people. zyzz would never approve.

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The ones where the user says he has all the answers which are usually about basic hygiene and not fitness. Do everything their autistic way or else you're doing it wrong.


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anything sexual is the most annoying, i think i'd agree with all the ones you put up there.

Any Forums should be a board for standard physical health and self improvement. Mental health and sexual health would be related, but 99% of the people posting that stuff is just nigger crabs crab niggering, so it should be removed.

and then all the superficial bullshit like "im gonna break my legs so i can be 6 foot 10" or "guys look woman" should be banned. We should just have a women containment thread and ban pictures of women in all other threads (except fph), it's all coombait and nothing to do with progress or improvement

>seeing females you can never fuck, cuckold threads
Any Forums has the same problem with off-topic b8 threads, people have stopped engaging them mostly so a lot of those are going away
funniest thing is to post a screencap of a 4chanX filter or a site filter in those threads, holy fuck do the autistic OPs get so fucking butthurt when they find out their garbage is invisible

Thanks for the test boost brother

Gay nigger faggot can't handle looking at attractive women through a screen. Can't imagine all the spaghetti you must spill when you're in the presence of one

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Board feels like it's being shilled against by troons desu.

>Do everything their autistic way or else you're doing it wrong.
This. It's why the ketolards are so universally despised on this board. Nobody told them you can't eat a no-carb protein heavy diet. If they weren't pushy autists nobody would care that they're losing weight and finding success with their specific diet, but they want to tell people that the laws of thermodynamics don't exist and CICO is fake which it obviously and provably is not.

>shilled against by troons
That's the whole internet at this point

I love big tits and those look terrible.

>Gay nigger faggot can't handle looking at attractive women through a screen. Can't imagine all the spaghetti you must spill when you're in the presence of one

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what the fuck does this wojak represent? it's not a troon or an egirl it looks like some anime character

i assure you i look at plenty of porn on this site, but there's a dozen boards dedicated to that.

>what posts trigger your the most?
Wouldn't you like to know, you fucking faggot? Why the hell would you even begin a thread with such a flimsy question--so you can create more of them and further shit the place up? Fucking kill yourself.

Y'all niggers are postin' in a datamining thread. Sage, report, hide.

Literally any woman in any context makes me depressed at this point. I can't look at any woman without thinking about how pathetic I am. I can't enjoy public spaces any more.

kill yourself

None "trigger" me but the obvious 4/10 incels worried about looksmaxxing are the silliest

The love you take is equal to the love you make
