Convince me not to kill myself right this second

Convince me not to kill myself right this second

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Bro, this is amazing for you
You can legally get prime quality TRT from your doctor

No. The world needs less bitches. You need to end it for the betterment of humanity.

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I'm 27. It's all over for me. I've spent too much of my life being low test. I should just end it.

>below the normal limits
Keep in mind that this standard has been dropping further and further for decades. That means you're far below the actual normal limits.

Go on TRT, faggot
You actually have an amazing opportunity here to get it legally and in good quality

Contact your doctor, have him set up a plan for you and follow it precisely, do blood tests regularly

I'm gonna. I'm just pissed to finally have an explanation for why I'm such a worthless bitch made faggot

By the way you talk about yourself I’d get on TRT asap lol

All I'll be doing now is salvaging the wreckage of my masculinity. All the mental and social damage has been done. I should just kill myself, but I guess I'll stick around long enough to see if I can get any better.

You sound like a low test lil bitch boi

I am.

Holy fuck I don't even like the idea of roids but youd probably be a lot more likeable, get on TRT and stop being a bitch. You need it.

I already said I would. I'll get on TRT for a while and if things persist I'll kill myself then

I have a few questions OP,if you dont feel going into detail a single word asnwerd would be suffcient
>Hows your sex drive?
>How are your general energy levels?
>Hows your gym progression?
>How agressive are you?
>What kind of music do you listen to?
>How many boners do you have daily?(this one is similar to question 1)
>How many hours of sleep do you usually get?
>Is your diet good and high in proteins and fats?
And finally
>Stats? Height/Weight/Bodyfat
Thanks in advance

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Are you overweight?
Do you work out?
On a scale of 1-10, how shit is your diet?

>an explanation for why I'm such a worthless bitch made faggot
I'm curious OP, what kind of stuff gave you the indication you might be low test?
Were you getting in fights as a kid? Do you lift?

quit fucking crying about it you fucking baby and go get them TRTs. You've got a golden opportunity and you're shitting your diaper and telling Any Forums about how sorry you feel about yourself. Holy shit. If you don't kill yourself I'LL fucking kill you for being a sorry piece of shit. Get it together.

take another test
this time dont eat within 12 hours stupid fuck

>getting in fights as a kid
Not him, but curious what that has to do with it?

>Meh. I get bursts of horniness but I'm otherwise fairly blasé
>Can range from manic to low
>Been hitting the gym for just over a year. Lost 30kg and lifting more.and more but nothing too impressive.
>Not overly. I do have occasional feelings of aggression but I reckon they're more psycho than macho
>All kinds
>I only really get them when I'm about to jerk it and occasionally if a woman I'm attracted to touches me in a gentle/intimate way
>Between 4 and 8
>Usually, but I've been fasting lately in 120 hour rolling intervals and I've had a few cheats lately
>183cm, 95kg, no idea what my BF is

5 days a week
Fasting a lot, try to eat healthy, probably a 6 or 7

wouldn't getting into a lot of fights indicate higher testosterone levels? I'm talking about teenage years when base levels of test begin to form

I'm on a weight loss mission and my fat is mostly in the thighs and hips so I took a T test. I do lift.

girls fight all the time. getting into fights is an indicator of poor impulse control, a feminine trait.

I hadn't eaten in 100 hours when I took that test