One shot at life

>one shot at life
>born with fat distribution that puts a lot of stubborn fat in the lower belly area
Just fuck my shit up.
My arms are looking like dickskin and I'm at like 11% bodyfat yet THIS LITTLE POUCH STILL REFUSES TO GO AWAY

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Yeah so? You'll get laid anyways.

It’s not about pussy it’s about control

I dont give a fuck about getting laid. I'm working out so I can make juicy thirst pictures of myself that I can always look back on when I'm old and weak.

>he doesn't have the GOAT Anglo-Irish full abdomen fat distro that ensures he will never have abs, but looks fit and proportionate anyway

>one shit at life
>have make pattern fat distribution
Trust me the other type comes with a price you do not want to pay

Work on your posture and do stomach vacumes russian twist ab wheel dead lifts and squats that will improve it

Coolsculpting OP. It only costs like 600 bucks and you will never have fat there again.

You’re not at 11% body fat then.

this post walks the line between cringe and based


Your body will adapt and store it somewhere else (your flanks). Don’t coolsculpt masculine storage areas bro lol


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your body fat percentage isn't low enough and you probably have anterior pelvic tilt if you've never worked specifically to correct it

literally me

>anterior pelvic tilt if you've never worked specifically to correct it
how do you fix this? i know i have this from playing world of warcraft for 8 hours a day in highschool and college

>one shot at life
>spend it on Any Forums
God, I wish I was ded already


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just target lower abs and hip flexors more, even training obliques will accidentally get you working that area

im trying to do weighted leg raises to fix mine. The theory is if my lower abs gets bigger, it will be more visible.

So far I'm at 20 lbs for 6 reps.

>I'm at like 11% bodyfat
This even sounds like a joke. If you're not trolling, tell us how you measure it