This is the minimum at my gym

UK gym. Everyone looks Any Forums across all races. The only people who look untrained ARE literally the untrained and teens who just started a few weeks ago and old men.

You guys keep talking about how "99 percent of faggots in the gym have no idea what they are doing", "most people are fat retards who have no idea how to pick a dumbbell up" yet i do not see any evidence of this at all. All i see is lean, muscular and fit men who clearly know what they are doing and are there day in day out dedicated.

Go check a health food isle in the supermarket, it's raped clean. Everyone eats nuts, natty peanut butter, greek yoghurt, lean chicken breast, and kale now. People are drinking organic teas and blending up fresh fruit and veg more than ever before. The McDonald's are empty save for a few twinky teens.

Your supposition that "most people in the gym are retards" and that most of the layman normie public are dumb imbeciles when it comes to fitness is sadly outdated.

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>You guys keep talking about how "99 percent of faggots in the gym have no idea what they are doing"
Who said this? It wasn't me.

Ok so people are fit, that's a good thing. I wish them the best of luck in life and lifting.

>Go check a health food isle in the supermarket, it's raped clean. Everyone eats nuts, natty peanut butter, greek yoghurt, lean chicken breast, and kale now.
Holy fuck am I glad to be an American, nobody touches any of the good shit so I don't ever have to worry about that.

>All i see is lean, muscular and fit men who clearly know what they are doing and are there day in day out dedicated.

Sounds like OP wants to FUCK! Just hit up one of the pakis in the shower, I'm sure he'll help you crank one out.

Regulars will look good. It’s those who go once every 2 weeks who won’t make much progress

>go to a gym
>everyone knows what they're doing

>go to a swimming pool
>everyone knows how to swim

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Agreed. So how can you claim that "normies showing up at the gym doesn't mean they know what the fuck they are doing"? Clearly they do know because they are there every day and seeing progress.

I've seen this argument posited across this board and misc and other places

>"lol just because someone has a gym membership doesn't mean he knows how to fucking function in the gym"

>"lol the average dumb retard has no idea how to diet or lift, most people have gym memberships but they are still fat fucks"

Clearly this is false.

It was me

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those fat people and normies that doesn't know what they're doing won't be in the gym all the time. they'll probably go like once a month and there's a 99% chance of you never meeting them in the gym

Literally live in the UK and have seen the exact OPPOSITE of what OP is claiming. The McDonalds here are always packed to the brim, especially the drivethru. Read about availability bias, the vast majority of people are NOT exercising.

1/3 of Americans have a gym membership but only 1/5 of those use it.

I wish I was bothered enough to take pictures of dudes at my local calisthenics park. I've been lifting for 4 years and at the gym I feel like one of the bigger guys there and I mog quite a few of the regulars. At the calisthenics park I am absolutely mogged and not only are all the dudes there insanely ripped, but they're doing shit like handstand push ups, one armed pull ups, fucking front lever rows, etc.

Any Forums is so so wrong about so many things. But ESPECIALLY calisthenics.

>more people use the gym than the ones having a paid membership
wtf is that retardation

What kind of revers psyop is this? Fuck you OP we had a suspiciously similar thread only a few hours ago. Also, yes outside september and january, most people in the gym are looking decent, they lift and you're still a faggot OP

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The new demoralization bot update. Just as weird as teh "cutting tits off" bot on /gif/.

Everyone in the UK is a roiding love island wannabe

I'm starting to get real tired of this shit. I think I'll take a few days off

It's the same on any site all over the world. Internet is dead. And yeah, i'm tired of it, too.

I stopped using facebook and twitter a few years ago and I can imagine it only got worse ever since. I've noticed an uptick in demoralisation/doomposting in the boards I'm using but this weird astroturfing is very tiresome. I can't have fun shitposting anymore.

I find that it depends strongly the individual gym. I've used 3 different ones and all 3 have very different populations
>uni gym
Half dyel, half competent. The latter half is mostly powerlifters that look fit but not incredibly aesthetic, lots of people doing 3+pl8 squat and 4+pl8 deadlifts
>La Fitness
Maybe 25% total dyels, perhaps less. Of the non dyels, only a handful of powerlifters. Most are bodybuilding oriented, lots of flagrant roiders and absolute units.
>Crunch Fitness
70% dyels, mostly curlbros and even the jacked people are doing meme shit like quarter repping bench while wearing gloves. Maybe one other guy doing powerlifting besides me.

>Everyone eats nuts
yes, deez nuts