You've gone wrong somewhere in your training and diet if you are male and cannot deadlift 405 lbs after a year and a...

You've gone wrong somewhere in your training and diet if you are male and cannot deadlift 405 lbs after a year and a half of lifting.
>inb4 "i train for aesthetics" or "i try to focus on good form"
These are just excuses.

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Don't care

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I can't read powerlifter cope like this and not think of jason blaha

Hi Mark

enjoy your back pain retrd

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me

what's that fat retard up to these days? Still pressing ammo and talking shit about being a SEAL or whatever?

post tummy

>new lifter starts training
>follows typical incel squat and dl routine
>injures himself
>bitches about herniated disks ever after
Story of the ages

i dont deadlift. i dont know how and only ever see women doing it

I went wrong in my genetics with my scoliosis.
Jefferson deadlifts sort of help but not really.

Did this happen to your retard ass

Hit 4 plate recently, but I think I am deadlifting wrong.

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I'm pretty sure my distal bicep tendon in both arms are permanently fucked from repetitive strain injury at work. Everytime I do any kind've bicep curl, chin up, pushup etc. after a few reps the central bit of my inside elbow gets really weak and sore and reaches "failure". I feel no strain or fatigue in my bicep muscles so I don't think I'm even working them hardly at all. This is preventing me from lifting even the lightest of weights or doing bodyweight exercises. I can't progress. At all. Forever to be DYEL mode.

Wat do OP?

You're doing a Zercher squat.
Also, you're fat.
Come back when you're actually fit and actually performing a deadlift.

Gotta lift 3 times your body weight
Ive been doin this for six months and my pr is around 135-140 pounds (my bodyweight) is is over
Used to only do the bar btw and that was hard asf

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Took me 3 years. 1.5 years of that was rehabbing 3 injuries. I'm currently at 440. I also started all this at 37 so I'm 40 now.

Reminder that if you dl anything other than conven it doesn't count

>power faggots sumoing 4pl8 with 1inch ROM
>can't even conven 2pl8
>"muh leverages muh strength lol"

this happened to one of my friends from college and he still has never gotten laid

if sumo is cheating then why aren't the world record deadlifts done sumo?

Looking like absolute dog shit! Great job!