How do I deepen my voice

how do I deepen my voice
I sound like ben shapiro and lifting for a while hasn't affected it
pic unrelated

Attached: 1653084438100.jpg (680x659, 57.41K)

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no pull. Fuck anime
also, try smoking. I smoked for 2 years and my voice got noticeably deeper and stayed that way after I stopped.

I know smoking will make it deeper but I don't want to obliterate my cardiovascular health and potentially give myself an addiction that is hard to kick and cancer

Cigarettes or pipe? I just started smoking a pipe and would like some voice gains, but it doesn't seem worth it to inhale and get lung damage

stop cooming and breathe in diagram.

It's not even guaranteed to deepen your voice, Joaquin Phoenix talks about how much he smokes and he still has a high voice

Don’t inhale the smoke from pipe tobacco. It doesn’t taste good and it will make you feel like shit.

unironically go to Any Forums and ask the chicks that are becoming dudes. I bet they got all sorts of things that help with this shit.

OP here, I'm FtM trans btw, if that matters

this is pretty much what i expected ngl

Attached: file.png (369x88, 5.99K)

You don’t. If you try it’s obvious and really embarrassing.

t. Been told I could do voice acting, radio, or audiobooks ever since puberty

Thanks for the pic OP. I was needing that

>Trainroll starts playing

tfw voicemogged by everyone

you already do the speaking from diaphragm trick?

Learn to relax your throat more. You're too tense in social situations and your voice is affected by that.

ice balls, tongkat ali, primal screaming

You don't. Apart from surgery the only thing you can do to change your voice is damage your vocal cords.
This is sheer ignorance, but is a useful jumping off point. All of these trannies are doing a voice. They are practicing speaking in a voice, as if they were doing an impression. Its facade. They will always slip back into their natural voice when angry, scared, upset, crying. Any real stressors and they can't maintain the fake voice.

go to forest(or city if u dont care about being labeled schizo) and yell and scream and sing loudly - will fix ur breathing and train ur vocal
unironically will allow you to "mold" your voice


or just do it into a pillow?