How do i train my hands to look bigger

Attached: file.png (634x949, 1.01M)

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rice bucketing
won't make fingers longer but can make your whole hand thicker.
also higher body fat but that depends on your genetics for fat distribution. you may need to get so fucking fat for it to start depositing in your hands that it won't be worth it.

is that a shop or did he really get a poorly fitted suit

these made the muscles in my hand thicker.

Attached: file.png (1500x1500, 1.11M)

wear a suit that fits

you can't. way too many bones you can't enlarge. if you try too hard you'll just end up with thick sausage fingers.

Pinch grip exercises are your best bet

That's just how a suit fits when you're a big guy 4u. Only thing he could do to iprove the fit is go with no shoulder padding and choose a heavier fabric for the drape. Otherwise his suit is very solid and much better than other actors his size.

Attached: reg-park-posing.jpg (734x734, 118.62K)

Nowadays, they'll taper the sleeves down to the wrists so it need not just fit that way.

Get a rundown?

Go to a legit tailor, such as Huntsman on Savile Row, and get them to tailor you a suit properly that tapers at the arms. For all of Superdorks money he appears to have purchased an off-the-peg 44 inch jacket that has been cut for a 44 inch fatty rather than an athletic, roiding, hollyweird actor.

Not him but apparently they increase your tendon size. Almost everything past the wristbone is tendons

I think his proportions are just shitty, yes hes big but theres something weird about his body

It's the hands

Go to a legit tailor, such as Huntsman on Savile Row, and get them to tailor you a suit properly that tapers at the arms. For all of Superdorks money he appears to have purchased an off-the-peg 44 inchγ€πŸ­πŸ­πŸ­,𝟳𝟲 cm】 jacket that has been cut for a 44 inchγ€πŸ­πŸ­πŸ­,𝟳𝟲 cm】 fatty rather than an athletic, roiding, hollyweird actor.

Attached: 1615877215429.jpg (1231x1533, 264.28K)

This pic is subtly shopped

>γ€πŸ­πŸ­πŸ­,𝟳𝟲 cm】 jacket that has been cut for a 44 inchγ€πŸ­πŸ­πŸ­,𝟳𝟲 cm】
wtf how did you do that?

His whole arms are short. Check him in a beach pic. He's like a toy action figure.

post hands then

how do people look like this

the perks of being a jannie who gets no remuneration for his job