Let's bring it back

Let's bring it back.

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And the Greeks? Where are they now?

In Greece

They all merged into our bloatlord

Let's bring back headbangs.

You're looking at them, asshole.

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substantially based

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have you ever been in greece? turks, albanians and mutts lol

But do you have the Adonis Belt? That's basically the most important part of the look.

Where's the statues of all the cute Greek femboys everyone keeps talking about?


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NTA but I got the belt going on.

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cope malaka

>cope mal-ACK!

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Every statue poster is a dyel who probably doesn't even lift.

we group them together with retarded tourists like yourself and isolate them


no amount of size will make you aesthetic, tranny.

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Torsoanon how many gfs have you had?

I've already been posted itt and Heracles statues are my greatest inspiration

no idea I lost interest in women a decade ago, had an incredibly good sex life in my later teens and early twenties and just stopped caring at some point, dozens upon dozens but my relationships never lasted that long because while I have no issues attracting women they get tired of my autism after a week or two.

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Only the Breker posters but they haven't showed up yet.

So no grill in a decade? Have you given up finding someone?