Calisthenics seems like a joke to me because it's not a diffcult workout for me and i don't feel any challenge

Calisthenics seems like a joke to me because it's not a diffcult workout for me and i don't feel any challenge

I am doing:

2x80 push-ups
4x20 dips
2x20 pull-ups

As i said: it's nothing compared to my 2pl8 workout (curls, flys, bench press). Is calisthenics a meme?

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You need to do more difficult variations if it's not challenging.

Any ideas? Give reccs pls.

>spent 10 years casually going to the gym
>Every workout is bench, curls and lat pulldown, knee extension and leg press
>Minimal posterior chain but can bench 3 plates and ohp 2plate. Weigh 117kg
>Unsurprisingly have issues with knee, hip and lower back pain
>Squat is now 10kg with proper stance, can deadlift 1plate with proper form

Ive had to go back to bodyweight and it's the only way I'm making gains now

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>Calisthenics seems like a joke to me
It is. Go to the gym.

Do you know anyone from your University days who still lifts? Everyone I know who was swole back then doesn't even exercise anymore. Only Calisthenic fags (God bless their dyel souls) still stay fit from the people I know.

>Not wven a squat or any variation
Use google before making a thread and then kys

>2plate ohp
>1plate deadlift

Wtf? Post body

I don't need to squat as i cycle every fucking day 20 kilometers and run 3 times per week 5k too, fucking faggot.

Front-lever pullups.
Pistol squats
Hanging leg raises
Wide and diamond pushups
We have calithentics threads with infographics here often, check the Any Forums desuarchive

Powercleans and Oly snatches will increase your sprinting speed.

Most the people I know got jacked for uni rugby teams, they now are wagecucks with kids and look like shit.

I know a few runners/ cyclists that carried on past uni and still look good.

Don't care about speed.

>they now are wagecucks with kids and look like shit.

Shitty excuse.

>2x 80 pushups
maybe don't cheat and slow them down?
also if you want to invest in some olympic rings that would bump up the difficulty significantly

Try to do 5 sets of max push ups and pull ups every day in an hour, minimum rest and dips on the side.

Add more isometric variation into it, 5 count holds at toughest spots where you feel it the most add couple more variations like archer push ups.

Some of my friends who were huge as fuark as football players are just fat now. Kind of sad because they still have back and knee pain and all that. One dude I'm pretty sure has fucked up spinal issues cuz he always complains about his neck and constant headaches for the last decade.

Are you doing 80 pushups with perfect form? Also you can add weight, get a weighted vest or strap a backpack on. Or something that's probably more fun: learn and do other kinds of pushups.

this is a joke post right?
that shit is the most basic of basic bodyweight movements you fucking retarded faggot, look up some calisthenics compilations on youtube and try to do the shit they do

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>Also you can add weight, get a weighted vest or strap a backpack on

But that's cheating. Calisthenics = only body weight.

>20 pulls
i don't believe you. post the video

That's retarded modern take on the word "Calisthenics" it just means "Beautiful Strength" from Greek, who used during their calisthenics Halteres and weight lifting such as sandbags and animals as well as wrestled (technically bodyweight since they were using someone's elses bodyweight.) Even pull ups could be seen as cheating as you are not on the ground using ONLY your BODY.

Do you wear a spandex too? Fuck off with gay ass faggot ballerina type of calisthenic workouts that just look like a gay athletic circus show. I am here to build muscles, not aesthetic dances.

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> I am a fatty that can't do more than 3 pull ups.

The cope post.

Learn free handstand push ups and planches for advanced variations that will actually build strength and look sick doing so.

you're probably doing 1/8th of a rep every time, or speeding through like a motherfucker
post the video

If that were true(which is not) you would have know to progress to one hand push ups and pullups. But you're just a powershitter who wants to justify beng fat

> Doesn't deny being overweight.
Post the scale buddy.

i'm actually underweight, faggot
t. 175cm 60kg

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So, you're DYEL who can't believe that there are bigger anons on here that are able to do the shit you can't do?

then add weight you stupid fucking faggot retard


fucking inbred cunt

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if you can, why aren't you posting the video?
there is a pull-up plateau at 12 reps that most humans can't reach, no matter how hard they train

Why are you seething? You act very low T, bruv...