/FPH/ - Fat People Hate - Long Time No Bake edition

Let's go.

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Reply with an fph image/video, or your mother dies in her sleep tonight.

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This is what (((architects))) want you to find attractive.

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hey guys from Any Forums it's me who recommended you to come here, unfortunately thats the only fph thread up now and it's empty but normally there's always one up with full of webms and pictures

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You can bet not a single person in this video will take this as a wake up call.

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hey guys from Any Forums who this guy recommended to come here
you should all immediately leave this board and go back to your schizo containment board where you can eat your shit fast food and bitch about all your autistic conspiracy theories and the jewish people you all seem to love so much
or better yet just hang yourselves like all the trannies you guys seem to be obsessed with since you talk about them all the time

shut the fuck up and seethe kike tranny

It's fine. I've never been on fit so I'm checking out other threads while I wait for this to populate

You're the reason I'm here. Thanks for opening my eyes to a whole new world of laughing at fatties.

fit is a slow board, very slow compared to pol. come back tomorrow lol

Fatties will claim its important not to have skinny women model clothing because it paints an unhealthy body expectation for women, but not apply the same logic to landwhales.
Its funny that for all the "body representation" that is being pushed anorexic women are surprisingly unrepresented.


>obligingly mention of kikes and trannies in a Any Forumsnigger post
yep, checks out, you may now return to your blacked.com tab

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good morning sir

Why man I'm not a weird animal incel. I just like philosophy. I also like running, riding my horses, hunting, raising my sons. Any Forums seems cool. Was considering starting to lift again in a couple months when I move into my new house(good garage space for a rack). Should I still leave?

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>tfw no dr. dommy-mommy to bully me

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