Is it possible to be a Any Forums alcoholic?

Is it possible to be a Any Forums alcoholic?

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Anything is possible through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
And if not him, the Allfather will make it happen

I guess it depends on what they drink. People who only drink canned shit usually are fat slobs

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It depends. If you're crushing a did pack every day, you're likely an alcoholic but it won't actually affect gains that much. It's a lot of useless calories and might affect your sleep, but all in all not bad.
Now if you're chugging a gallon of hard liquor a day, this will affect your gains hard. But that's really the least of your problems at that point.

Drinking a lot of booze is part of my routine for a reason.

Yes, and that reason is that you are a fat nigger with low impulse control.

I actually hate it. It makes me super queezy and I get raging headaches after the 3rd one, but I'm still doing whatever it take to make it

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I have an uncle that guzzles beer like nobody's business and still had a six pack in his forties. Only lost it when he switched to some weird diet for a bit.

No. The amount of calories you get from liquor is insane. No matter now functional an alcoholic thinks they are, they all eventually crash and burn.

What about like 20 drinks on Saturday nights? Cos I’m not prepared to compromise my social life for this gym shit. Just wanna know how badly it’s fucking me ocer

Yes but it's hard mode.

Bullshit. Every man that drinks like that has a disgusting beer belly.

>sexually provocative image

Could've just said "no".

Based thanks. Going to start trying to be an alcoholic immediately bless you.

Only if you drink solely hard seltzer and light beer

God I wanna fuck a trashy sorority chick from a mid state school in 2006

>Is consuming poison good for my health?

Once a week is really not that bad compared to what a lot of people are doing. Especially if you're young, you will be totally fine once a week.