Cheap Any Forums foods

Without going into too many details of my finances, I will need to eat for the rest of the year with around 3-5 €/day budget. What are some good healthy recipes to make with that budget, that have all the needed macros?

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Oats with milk and a little frozen fruit.
lowfat quark

Onions , kidney beans, tomatoes, garlic and rice.

Get a job poorfag

In my field they only hire fulltime atm and I need to study fulltime for the rest of this year to get my degree ready. After new year I can start working.

Canned tuna fish, frozen broccoli.

Lentils, eggs, potatoes, and milk.

where in europe? here i can eat pretty healthy for 5 euros a day

Keep your eye open for sales on hams and pork shoulder. Sometimes store have specials in my area and I can get 5-12lbs of pork a little over $2 per lb.


Just blow truckers. Extra protein too.

literally just do Grubhub. You can pick your own hours and only work whenever you have free time. Just picking up and delivering one meal will get you enough for a good meal.


Order from Wild Fork. I got 25lbs of chicken thighs for $48. 10lb bag of rice from Walfart and there ya go.

You guys really need to focus on starchy carbs. They're cheap and can make up to 90% of your diet. I've been doing it for years. Yeah it's not optimal for muscle growth unless you increase your protein intake, but it's great for people cutting down in size. Dr. John McDougall's free videos and ebook were all I needed. I'm down 80lbs now. I weigh 156lbs and dropping.


Never made pizza before but don't you have to shred the cheese and move it around the dough? Or will that big block of cheese just melt over the whole pizza?

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thats how they make them in italy

Here in Denmark you can get enough frozen chicken or frozen beef patties for one day for about 3-4 euros. I'd do that and just add rice and the cheapest thing of frozen vegetables you can find every now and then.
Fresh meat in Scandinavia at those prices probably is off the table.

Oats, or hard red wheatberries, or barley are all higher protein than rice. Rice, even brown rice, has garbage protein content.

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