When did you stop growing in height? Currently 5'8 and 19 years old...

When did you stop growing in height? Currently 5'8 and 19 years old, terrified of being a manlet for the rest of my years.

Attached: pepefroggie.jpg (780x438, 37.56K)

It’s time to accept it user

I stopped growing when I was 16. Four years later and pretty much nothing about my body has changed.

You're almost past the point of no return. Do as many neck hangs to failure as you can NOW. It won't be easy but if you persist every single day you may reach 6 feet before your growth plates close permanently when you turn 20.

its over. welcome to the club

5'7 stopped halfway through my junior year
>weellll uncle cletus there done grew 5 inches after highschool
Maybe he did but >99% of people wont

i stopped growing when i was 14 and 5'6. what the fuck causes this?

Staying up all night gaming. when your parents told you to try hard in school, you should've listened, may have save you from manletdom.

I stopped at 17

i slept 8 hours every day
btw its not genetics probably, my dad is 6'1


15 at the earliest, 17 at the latest
all those people who claim they grew at 21 are wearing the boots

Sleep is one factor in the endocrine system. Without proper hormonal balance, your genetic potential isn’t gonna be reached. Many people are low in a vitamin or mineral or essential amino acid and don’t even know it. Genetics determine the cap but can be undermined by hormonal imbalance, basically. Did you eat endocrine disrupting food during your developing years? Did you eat very few animal products? Did you get enough sunlight?

I’d been 6 feet tall since I was like 13, but then I randomly grew an inch in my early 20s. Not sure what caused that

>endocrine disrupting foods
what would those do? im pretty sure i did a good job at avoiding everything unhealthy(seed oils, onions, gmos, any other kind of goyslop)
>did you eat very few animal products
absolutely not, i was eating a fuckton of meat and 5 eggs every day and still do
>enough sunlight
probably not. i still was taking vitamin d though

100% bullshit
I was a fat baby
a fat elementary student
fat middle school student
fat high school student
a fat college student
and a fat young adult
ate like shit most of the time yet i still ended up 6'4

I am 5’8 and I’m pretty sure you’re done growing at 19. Honestly, it’s fine. Stay in shape, be likeable, you will have no problems. Do not waste time letting yourself think “wow things would be better/easier if I was 6’2” because you’re not and that attitude will make your life suck.

You have worse problems than being 5'8 Bulgarian user

5'8 is fine bro

i think i eeked out maybe a cm or two more around that age but you're pretty much done unless some extreme outlier

same height, but 18, is there some hope?

I stopped at 5'9.5 when I was 17, but my dad is 5'7 and my mom is like 4'11 so I can't complain too much

lets go manletbros im 5'7 and 23, stopped growing at like 15. welcome to unwarranted misery