Has anyone ever achieved a good physique naturally, or is the natty limit slightly above skinny fat?

Has anyone ever achieved a good physique naturally, or is the natty limit slightly above skinny fat?

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you have body dysmorphia and steroids are not going to fix you.

If it's impossible to build a good physique naturally, then I must have reached my natural limit after a year or two of very inconsistent training. I'm still in what I consider to be the beginner phase of lifting and despite mostly sticking to basic calisthenics movements and skipping abs all the time I have permanently visible abs and my physique has changed significantly since I started.

Just stop taking advice from retards who can't build muscle without getting fat and learn what it is that a human truly needs to be strong and healthy, and you'll find that over time your body will reflect that. Pro tip: if you need to drink protein powder just to consume the minimum amount of protein that a human needs, then your diet is fucked up and you have schizophrenia.

social media has ruined our society

These guys all look short.

>basic calisthenics movements

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Dyel mode

yes but your standards are skewed because you are influenced by social media where 99,9% of people with good physique are taking steroids/sarms.
in the real world however a good natural physique is achievable and it is significantly more impressive than your average skinnyfat.

normies think that you can look like mr olympia naturally but at the same time if you have muscles big enough to bench 100kg you are a literal god amongst men. train 3 months from skinnyfat and when u see someone u havent seen for a while they will go "woah you got so buff what the hell whats your routine" etc.

All this guys look more aesthetic than any modern bodybuilder, why is that? no hyper huge chest and legs?


No dehydration agents or drugs

modern bodybuilders only care about size. Look at bodybuilders from the 70s and look at them now.
Being bigger and leaner doesn't mean they'll look better.

Just basic stuff

Attached: Ronnie-Coleman-and-Joe-Rogan.jpg (1200x540, 56.85K)


You are so fucking wrong kid, cocaine etc were common drugs back in the day, heck it was in coca cola at one point.

Turns out being freakishly massive isn't aesthetic. Only cool.

Don't forget that everybody is digitally enhancing their photos now. It's best to assume that everything you see is a lie.

>it's impossible to build a good physique naturally
>t. 3x5 dips and chins twice a week man
Oh finally a real expert.

r u stoopit men