Be me

Be me

>Go to physical therapy for ten weeks over the summer for a torn labrum in left shoulder

>Finish up a few weeks ago

>Last week random clicks start happening in right shoulder while doing regular shit not lifting but no pain

>Fast forward to this week the clicks are non stop and it hurts all the time

How fucking over is it for my right shoulder bros? This shit is beyond demoralizing. My good arm now feels like my right arm use to. I still am doing my therapy. I did it today and it just ended with pain in the HEALTHY ARM. Fuck this fuckin bs .how do i have such fucked joints bros

Im gonna keep at my health and not let it get me down

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did you work both arms during PT? Also ask the physio if you're still attending

Yeah i did all the exercises for my right arm also cause i didnt want a weird strength imbalance. Im not attending pt anymore. I was gonna call the orthodoc monday. Think i should call the pt guy also?


I know a guy who fucked his shoulder up in his teens. Never found a solution and just tanks the pain in the gym like a monster.

Based i am a pretty good with dealing with the pain now. Especially from the left shoulder. But it just sucks if it ends up being both shoulders and not just one. But yeah i got like special ice packs from pt, i got all the exercises, the stretches and stuff. Maybe this will just go away lol

a torn labrum and a repair along with your ten weeks of PT equates to roughly 4.5 months where you relied (almost) entirely on your right arm for your day-to-day activities. you state you also continued exercising on that right arm as well. you've spent 4.5 months stressing your right arm, you're going to encounter some wear and tear and discomfort is expected. the clicking sounds you hear could be ligamentous, tendinous, from the articular surface(s), and/or within the capsule itself meaning it's best to have a professional observe in-person to determine if it's a concern.

ice your shoulder and only perform your HEP on the affected side for a bit. you likely just need to rest.

Thats good advice and youre probably right. I iced early and did my pt really light with that arm. I should probably just rest it real well for a few days

But like you said tommorow just do the actual injured side and leave the right arm alone

Labrum tears do not heal. You'll need surgery. I had the same injury

Yeah the doctor said at some point i may need surgery in my left arm. But it feels really good and strong right now. Compared to my right arm which hurts

That's an option. My surgeon was hesitant to fix it but he did anyway because it bothered me outside the gym as well.
Shoulder was in a brace for 3 months 24/7 and I wasn't allowed to rotate it or it could undo the surgery. Good thing I was high on painkillers because sleeping with my arm in the air was not comfy

Unless you're playing contact sports, it doesn't really make sense. OP even said it feels back to normal.

The doctor im seeing left it up to me. He was like heres my secretaries number etc etc. If you need it. I just didnt wanna feel like i was right back at square one after surgery. Especially since it feels pretty good and i was able to do push ups and stuff again.

I have constant subluxations, going for an MRI soon. prob labrum tear. What was your ROM and what is your ROM now? Are you forbidden from overhead anything? Can you do a pullup if you can even put your arms above your shoulders?

My ortho said i'd have severe ROM degredation but everyone online says they mainly go back to where they were if they did PT religiously (though granted no heavy overhead stuff, but at least they get movement back). so are you trex mode now at least in ROM?

Not him, but had the surgery. Doc said my tear was one of the worst he had ever seen, said it looked like a bomb went off in my shoulder. I'm telling you this bc even after all the surgery my shoulder is back to 95% rom and back to 95% strength. I'm 8 months out. Make of that what you will.

Not forbidden from anything, and pullups don't feel different from before.

wow, very good to know, thanks. At this point if i did a pull up or a dead hang where i disengage the scapula i feel like id be on the ground and my arms on the bar.

>My ortho said i'd have severe ROM degredation but everyone online says they mainly go back to where they were if they did PT religiously (though granted no heavy overhead stuff, but at least they get movement back). so are you trex mode now at least in ROM?
It is somewhere in between for me. There is still a slight ROM degradation but it took almost half a year of physiotherapy to get to this point. I am not limited in the gym by it.
Not sure if it makes a difference but my tear was posterior (less common) and I have hypermobility so I stay away from benching. Also, this

>ice your shoulder
god damn retard logic
don't fucking ice anything, it doesn't do anything
use heat therapy. it promotes inflammation and. healing.

>labrum tears do not heal
yes they do who the fuck cucked you into paying for something that the body can naturally heal

I had surgery in December for a torn labrum, then in March my retarded ass fell down the stairs and I now need surgery again.

God damn that's a nightmare