
Attached: fraud.jpg (1080x1074, 635.84K)

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Not really a fraud she was just in a position to make her ass look bigger I do this all the time for BRAP posting

thanks leanbeefpatty


women are all smoke and mirrors, god damnit.

just got scammed by a crack whore who ran off with the money.

Then got ghosted by another escort on the same night.

fucking women god damnit

Attached: images.jpg (254x198, 7.35K)

looks better on the right

Right looks better lol


Real talk. How to I step into the escort game? I want one, maybe a regular, but have no idea where to look, what pricing to expect, and fear of what you posted.

No. The "fraud" or "reality" or "exposed" pictures are frauded themselves up the butt. People all know about lighting and angles with insta now, it's well known to be fake, but some might be fooled by the "reality" version.

See pic-related which was posted earlier. As many have said her "reality" picture actually looks better. It's sort of like rubbing it in the face of other women (including young impressionable girls) like "yeah look at this, this is me at my worst, the reality, what now bitch?" and is actually kind of sick. Reminds me of bodybuilders who "come clean" to having taken a little anavar or something many years ago while actually injecting tren every night.

Attached: 1660847873139.jpg (1079x1078, 892.88K)

>looks better on the right

Attached: IMG_9209.jpg (236x354, 42.71K)

What you're referring to is all part of the 'escort headache'

the scattered brains, the directions that don't make sense, the canceled appointments, the fucking clogged toilet, drugs their on, the fucking guys who are next in line or who were there before you.

it's all fucked dude.

occasionally there will be the 19-year-old hottie or the 25-year-old stunner who you pay 600 dollars an hr to fuck like a pornstar, but they don't stick around forever. You run out of money or they move on dude

they actually look better on the insta side of the picture

Damn, that does sound like a headache. I banged this one chick a few times(made love to is more appropriate) , and started to catch feelings for her, and hit her up for a nice date date(sushi at a place with tatami seating/furniture, reservations only) but she ended up calling the fling off because she was actually (had a real job, but didn't pay the bills [min wage type shit])an escort and didn't want to be with someone as nice as me(found this out when she called it off). Really really fucked with me, and thought maybe if I got a regular escort things would be simpler and I could just focus on it 4 what it is and treat prospective relationships the same way until they prove themselves worthy of more. Now it just seems like it's not worth it and I'll probably just never trust a woman ever again.

Dude got friend zoned by a hooker and now hates all women, lmfao

Ik you're just trying to troll, but fucking a chick and parting ways is a lot different than wishing you could fuck a chick but she just wants to be friends

Well the girl in OP's pic is just doing the bend the knee and stick your butt out pose and flexing her arm. I prefer my "reality" one due to her cute stomach, though she's smiling showing teeth in the first one and her eyebrows look fuller which make the top half of the picture slightly better.

Attached: 30622264-8510963-image-a-17_1594401040135.jpg (634x795, 111.1K)

That kind of attention seeking is weird to see in real life. One girl in my friend group is always on her phone outsourcing her sence of self-worth to some strangers on internet.

Even in the movies she pulls out her camera to seek external validation, others options and meaningless internet points. Sad how addicting that stuff is to some. Pretty cool and happy kid before Instagram and TikTok came out.

Attached: axAeGpw9_700w_0.jpg (700x685, 81.53K)

If you lack unconditional self-esteem and internal sense of self-worth, because of traumas and shitty/unsafe childhood environment, people try to fill that hole in their soul with logical sounding replacements. Nowdays people rather mutilate theirselves with surgery and hormones than reconnect to that total sence of self-acceptance we once had.

I'm not enough as myself, but if I own ten cool supercars, if everyone pays attention to me and if I have ten thousand tinder matches, then that must mean I have made it. Our egos need those logical reasons, numbers, comparizations, because it cant process unconditional self-love.

But in reality those temporary superficial replacements never work and external validation and approval never last. Just like junk food will never give you the true satisfaction of living addiction free life.Only way you return that rock solid feeling of self-worth, self-esteem and love for life is to do it yourself and to reconnect into that perspective from within.

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That feeling you get when you fall in love and someone loves you unconditionally back, should be the default state of how you feel all the time. Just something you should NOT EVER need any qualifications or reasons for.

We were born with it, but kinda just forget it exist, because we all have faced some level of neglect and unconscious people in our lifes.

It's just hard consept to wrap our heads around in this superficial consumer culture where corporations are always exploiting peoples insecurities just to get them buy something.

But in reality no amount of supercars, steroids or silicones will ever be a substitute for great personality and having real natural chemistry with someone. If someone is interested of you just because of your new Rolex, silicone boobs or money, it has nothing to do with real friendship or connection.

This video is a probably best starting point of how to actually practice it:

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I'd kiss the fuck out of that tummy

I truthfully dont understand how you rather not take a 7-9/10 on a few dates and then fuck them.

Aren't you guys ashamed youre being jewed by simple minded whore?

You could argue I still pay for pussy but at least this pussy wants to just come over sometimes and cuddle me and watch movies and then workout with me.

>breaking news: women are chronic liars
>more at 11

My sister in law always posts half naked pics on the internet with some motivational white trash quote paragraph like
>“shoutout to my haters. People that judge me and say I can’t do it are the fuel that keeps me going. I will overcome “

We tried explaining to her at the age of 29; posting pictures where anyone can see ur buttcrack is a huge red flag and she can no longer bitch about “not finding a guy” when she is a walking don’t stick your dick in crazy advertisement. She doesn’t fucking get it. She is literally the girl in your pic

That's pretty cool, a lot of the high class escorts are just regular everyday chicks. I used to use Backpage until they shut it down but there is actually a dedicated escort website since escorting is not illegal in my country.

Young girls use tinder, snap and OF but they only match with fucking gigachad so can be harder to lock one down for a regular dicking

My problem is that when a woman wants to come over just to cuddle I start hoping she'll be someone more than a woman who just wants to come over to cuddle. Admittedly, I haven't been with a lot of women(5 to be exact) but in my 11 years of adulthood, I've been in a relationship of 8 of them. I was even married at one point. It's much easier for me to pay to pretend than to not pay and hope, because I can't help but hope in those scenarios, constantly chasing that which I'll never have again. I am ashamed, yes, but I'd prefer that feeling of shame over the alternatives.