
So, now that the dust is settled

Was it a good idea to get jabbed for the covid ?

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not settled yet.. but i liked remaining employed.

Probably doesn’t really matter tbqhwy

not sure. was tripple jabbed. got covid. was rough - wonder if i had died without it, because i felt so dead.

neither the jab nor covid are worth the drama.

>literally a depopulation tactic, the vaccine is now known to cause heart issues, neurological and vascular aswell, just have to check the vers
>"w-was it a good idea guise ??'


There’s already a covid thread up. Delete this one and try that one.

>Billions immunized worldwide after doomers claimed mass death would occur because of it
>No mass death occurs because of it
>w...w...what baout hunter bidens laptop!

You actually took it?
Oh nononono

it literally doesn't matter
if you got it whatever, if u didnt whatever
covid was nothing but a nothingburger that made the medical industry and world's richest people hundreds of billions of money for NOTHING.

you were just a fool that got played

I know many people who have had issues after the vaccine

Also, it’s fucking over. It boggles my mind when I see people still arguing about this shit lol.

By this retarded reasoning no crime should ever be punished because its over at the time of persecution anyway.

>covid was nothing but a nothingburger
1 million dead sharts, that's 1 in 330.
Fucking retard.

It is far, far from over. We're still now finding new side effects of the jab, and you can be sure years down the line, wellk see a noticeable increase in mortality and fertility issues.

i have yet to catch covid 19. worst i’ve had was a slightly sore throat these past two years.

Imagine actually believing this shit

Yeah I get your analogy, but I’m talking about the people who still spend a significant amount of their time seething about covid shit. I’m not saying that you should never talk about it, I’m just saying people shouldn’t waste their lives on this shit. I know people who are still absolutely obsessed and it’s kinda sad honestly. Any Forums isn’t too bad for this though.

>biggest medical scandal in human history, people poisoned for life, women losing their fetuses and going in menopause at 30
>whole medical world complicit of this
>"you shouldn't obsess over it"

Sure thing bud. Any day now. The deep state is killing off their loyal followers and saving the ones who resist. Makes sense.

>years down the line
I thought you fags said the vaxxed would all be dead in six months

>people poisoned for life, women losing their fetuses and going in menopause at 30
Except none of that is true

How the fuck would that be beneficial for our ruling elite ? There would be a massive uprising lmao.

But yeah, this does seem like a massive human sacrifice akin to the ones you could find in pagan societies. Only this time it will simply increase health issues and overall fragility, lowering their life expectancy.

You just have to visit the VAERS dude. Cognitive dissonance is going to hit you hard.

Hey, it’s a free country. Obsess all you like. Keep fighting the good fight. I think you’re wasting your time, but don’t let me stop you.

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Six years. Then the it'll be genetic defects to children. Then it'll be some six generational thing.
Covid was a joke but the bigger joke is the schizos.

You tell me. What was the point of the vaccine ? Because obviously it didn't prevent you from getting sick.

VAERS is self-reported. Everything on there is massively skewed by hypochondriacs and loonies

I know many people who had issues after drinking a glass of water. My friend drank water, and a year later died of a heart attack. Same with a ton of other people on facebook, clear proof that drinking water causes heart attacks.

Reported side effects actually represents only 1% of the actual side effects

Covid should have been a nothing burger for the US. Obesity and other obesity related comorbities however.