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not really much of a mogging when you throw your life down the drain because your nuggets were spicy. that guy has 0 chance at any high paying job and will have to work customer service min wage his whole life

anyone who treats wagies like shit or bullies them is a coward faggot that deserves the rope

Poor wagie lol

Sweet naive user

Imagine having so little control over your own emotions.

Imagine the comments in this thread if he was a black guy.

Nigger detected

lol, no. the man is an alpha beast and this only enhances his desirability for many.

>on news
>on camera
>if credit card used, on record
>if he has his own car, license plate on camera
>Oh you are so naive to think he got caught user!

>slaps someone
>immediately walks away instead of staying to fight
if you ask for a fight but immediately run away, you are absolutely losing in every way possible. Especially if you couldn't handle BK "spice"

This is a normal and rather friendly customer service interaction for america. Surprised no one was shot. What a dump.

Based. Should be hung drawn and quartered ideally

Virgin assaulter
>Powerless through life so takes anger out on people weaker than him or more vulnerable
>Cannot control himself and literally throw tantrums like a toddler
>Feels powerful by bullying because he literally has nothing else worth controlling in his life
>Has such little going for him that he can give it all up by assaulting people

Chad Higher Road
>Working like a man to provide for himself, not sucking the govt tit
>Dressed neatly and ready to do his job even in the face of physical harm
>Does not back down and give up his coworker, which is what the virgin wanted
>So Chad that the assaulter walks away immediately after hitting him because he is realizes he fucked up, no other physical recourse needs to be made
>Will likely get a sympathy bj from the chick he protected while virgin gets dicked down in jail

Why the heck would you be upset over getting spicy nuggies? Those are the best kind?

You're naive if you think anyone cares. If this guy has the credentials to be in a wealthy position, slapping a peasant isn't going to prevent him from getting that position.
It's like you don't get how the world works

>Burger King
>Too spicy
Do white people really

Daily reminder wagies aren't people, they're slaves. This should be the norm

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Lol ain't no bleeding hearts around here user. Every now and then a motherfucker just has to get slapped.

Why would you treat your slaves badly? It just shows you cannot handle power and are a slave yourself deep down

If he was the kind of guy to shrug of assault on a "peasant", hern wouldn't be eating tendies as BK LMAO

>Imagine the comments in this thread if he was a black guy.
The honest difference is the assumption this white boy is having a bad day. He'll pay the price. If it's a nigger, it's a safe bet he does this every single day. 95% of the time cops won't bother and the other 5% nigger don't care. He's already got 11 priors and no job, he genuinely is indifferent to another arrest.

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