30+ General

I just turned 30. I'm in a dead end job. Living paycheck to paycheck. My lifts are bench 85kg x 5, squat 100kg x 5, DL 110 kg x 5, and OHP 50kg x 5.

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where u live?

I'm 37, make 45k/year + 401k + company stocks. Though I look like i'm in decent shape, I feel old. I expect to wake up with cancer any day now and I don't even track my lifts anymore lol

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I just turned 31. I make 6 figures in a 40 hour work week. I have more money than I know what to do with. My lifts are shit.

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I am 30. Make 90k and wish every day to escape civilization and disconnect from everyone.
I don't know what I'm even waiting for besides being a tax slave since I reached my career goal and I hate it and doubt I will ever find a woman to marry because I never learned to flirt or even talk with them and I always end up scaring them away.
Lifts are pretty good, not much different than my 20s yet

Hello fellow wizards

I'm 32 and have decided I'm not getting old. Lifts are going up and I got my run time down faster than my early 20's over the summer. Been working with one of my cousins on getting a back handspring (so far have a handstand and round-off), gonna work on more gymnastics stuff in the months to come. I've decided I'm probably not having kids but I'm gonna be the uncle that crashes his fiero into a lake and disappears in his 40's.

I'm 29 and I use dumbbells exclusively.

Im 27 and my gf I met when I was 21 broke up with me. I never cared much about my age before cause I thought we would have a family and grow old together. Now ive become very aware that I am approaching 30 and im fucking terrified.

Nothing changes except more people you know have kids. You'll feel the heat in your mid 30's when their kids start talking and stuff.

31. I like my job but I wish it paid more. I don't even lift heavy anymore, just calisthenics and dumbbells. Staying lean and healthy is my only fitness goal. I wish I had some friends or a gf, just someone to talk to.


This is what im talking about though. I want kids of my own. I was looking forward to having some in the next 3 years with my ex but thats gone now.

Did i lose my chance at lifelong love?

You got a solid 8 year window

>4 kids, wife I met in highschol
>idk how much I make ayear
>gave up comfy remote job
>started on my own as contractor
>forward into that great unknown

At least post old man body

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there's no such thing as lifelong love, just people you're comfortable enough to fart next to with. Just try to date and see what comes up

Nah, I personally know 5 women who are in their late 20s/early 30s still holding out for Mr. Perfect. Granted they are all narcissistic liars and fake Christians. But they do exist and could potentially have your children IF you make 6 figures, no debt, and are willing to sacrifice all of your vacation days to babysitting her on an all inclusive resort.

Turned 30 in March. Haven't lifted in about a month, and was already dyel then. Less out of laziness and more because of some medical shit that should be wrapped up now.
I got my first real "adult" job (benefits, salary, etc) this year. Its not a dead end job by any means as I'm likely to be promoted by the end of the year, but my heart isn't really in it. I like the company and the people, but there's nothing really fulfilling about it. I have a part time gig that is more fulfilling, but its next to impossible to make a true living from it without moving to a hellhole like Commiefornia. If I can figure out how to balance that with the day job, my fitness routines and other life goals that would be ideal. Fortunately I won't have to worry about having kids, so that makes the timing somewhat more manageable, but I need a way to better optimize my time.

8 years? Damn
Well i guess I dont have much of a choice. Time to pound the pavement. Im matching with girls 9 years younger than me on tinder which is somewhat reassuring.

>I use dumbbells exclusively.
What kind of routine are you running and how are the results?

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I'm turning 30 too and only have this to show for it.

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36, herniated lumbar disc but recovered enough to run, lift (no diddlies), play sports. ez 100k WFH. Fucked up early so my kid is graduating highschool soon. Is it embarrassing to start TRT before 40? wanna be fully turnt up for my midlife crisis

>kid is graduating highschool soon
Fuck it man, you might as well blast then. Just make sure your son is on the right path (or your daughter is off the pole), buy yourself a muscle car and sleaze it up.

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